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Slowly I opened my eyes to see I was back at the opening go started in. Why was I back here? Not that it mattered I just decided to continue again. I kind of remember things now but it's all hazy. I just remembered why I was here though. Which was nice I guess. If I had died though I probably would have been happier considering. Not that it matters now though.

"Oh your back. I thought she killed you and I... where did you get that flower?" The flower spoke to me again. I looked at it curiously and felt around my head. Sure enough there was a flower there. I wonder when it got there. I tried to pull at it but pain shot through my head so I stopped and sat down. "A..are you ok?"

'Fine' I signed "Just dizzy." I forgot that the flower couldn't understand sign language so I decided to see if I could actually speak or not. I don't quite remember if I can.

"I.. I'm ok." A pause as I found my voice. It was horse and it hurt. I guess I don't talk a lot. "Was just a bit d.. dizzy" I continued to explain.

"So you can speak. Why didn't u just do that in the first place? It would have made things easier. So you look ok I guess that means you won't hurt me. Anyway. My name's Flowey. Flower the Flower. What's your name?"

"Frisk I think... I'm not sure. But I think it's Frisk." I said as I continued to sign. Hopefully the flower.. no flowey will pick up on sign language soon. It really hurts.

"That's a lovely name, but you should get going, she will be coming soon." I thought for a moment who he could have been talking about. Then my eyes went wide as I came to the realization of what or who he has talking about. "In this world its kill or be killed so if she comes at you prepare to fight."

'Come with me' I sign. Then remember "Want to come with me? I can protect you. If you like." It's getting easier to speak but I don't like it.

"You would travel with me? I guess I don't mind it but how will I go with you?" I think for a second and stretch out a hand signing for a moment. Looking around I found the boot I saw earlier before... before I'm not sure what happened. Walking over to it I picked it up. Going back to Flowey I was very careful as I exposed the dirt around his roots and put him in it.

There was a trickle of water coming down from the roof to which I went and preceded to wet the soil in the boot. I remember that when planting new plants in a spot one must add water to the soil. "Hey, what are you doing getting me wet?"

"You are a plant and it's only for the soil. Is more comfortable this way later. Trust me." I say as I walk a down the corridor. No one appeared to be waiting for me so it seemed safe to continue forward. I may not know who I am or why I want to die but all I can do now is move forward, and moving forward fills me with determination. Determination to protect this little flower in a boot pot.

There were puzzles ahead but they were fairly easy. "I think... I think I like puzzles." I say thoughtfully now signing with one hand. The other being occupied with a boot. Then I heard it. The footsteps that I had been dreading. I looked up to see an all to familiar face I of the goat. What.. what do I do now.

"Oh a child has fallen into the ruins I see. Well my name is Toriel. I am the ruins keeper and..." she spotted flowey.  She stopped mid-sentence but continued. "and I will be happy to take you to my home if you wish. It's not far from here. But you look like your headed that direction so I will let you continue on your own." She paused for a moment then pulled out.. a phone? "Here take this. It has my number call if you need me." With that she turned around and left.

Only after I couldn't see her did I breathe out. I had apparently been holding my breath not realizing it. Flowey had done the same thing. This lady didn't seem horrible at all. Why was he so scared of her. It didn't make sense, but I decided it best not to ask. Filled with determination i continued forward. There was a pile of red leaves in the next room with an old fashion looking ghost.  His name was Nabstablook apparently.

He was pretending to sleep that much was obvious. So I played along "sir ghost" I said Horsley as I was still having difficulties. "I see that you be sleeping on a bed of leaves but I'm sure you have duties to a princess somewhere in this underground." He opened one eye slightly and just disappeared into the floor. I was hoping he would say something. I guess not.

I took a step forward only to have him show back up in my face. "You woke me from my slumber HUMAN. You will regret that decision." I felt bad and tried to apologize but it started dropping large drops of water.

"Dodge it then attack and kill the ghost. It's the only way to win. Hurry." Flowey pressured. I ignored some of it. Though I did dodge the water. No way was I going to get wet. Then I thought for a moment and took a step forward. Dodging the water as I went.

"What are you doing. Don't come near me." I continued forward and was so close to the ghost now that the water didn't matter I took a another step and walked past him. "What did you just do? Why didn't you attack? Guah never mind I was hoping no one was here anyway. I'm going home." With that he left.

"Frisk. Why didn't you fight him?"

"He's a ghost Flowey. I can't hurt a ghost. Nor would I wish to. I don't want to hurt anyone."

"You'll change your mind later about that. After all its kill or be killed down here." I shook my head and continued forward. I ran into more monsters but refused to fight. I think I died a few times because I woke up after being hit by attacks from the monsters, only to find myself somewhere back in the ruins I had just been in. Not only that but I now had more flowers.

Not that it really mattered. Flowey was quiet for awhile till the phone rang. "Hello, this is Toriel. Which do you prefer snails or butterscotch?"

"Butterscotch" I crooked. And with that she hung up. I wonder what that was about, but continued forward. Finally after what seemed like a day I arrived in front of a black tree with the red leaves below it on the ground. The house was behind it. Walking forwards to the door I slowly knocked.

"Ah, there you are my child." She stated as the door opened to revile Toriel. She motioned me inside. "Dinner is almost ready if you would like please stay in the first room on the left. I will get you when it is done."

I nodded in agreement and walked to the room she mentioned. Inside it was dim but I could see. There was a bed, some toys, and a box of shoes? All in assorted sizes. "Flowey I'm going to take a nap." I said placing him on the dresser. Looking up I saw a mirror. The flowers had grown quite numerous on the left side of my face. I touched them but decided it best to wait till later to try and pull them off. I didn't like how close they were getting to my eye.

Laying down I think I heard Flowey say something but I was zoned out. For a moment I thought I wasn't going to be able to sleep but I'm not exactly sure when, I fell asleep.

(Dream) 'Why are you doing this. Stop' I was signing frantically. The punches didn't end tough. 'Daddy why are you doing this. What did I do wrong?'

He looked at me for a moment "You were born. Why did you have to be born like this. Damned useless child. You should be dead. Dead and burning, Burning in Hell." He yelled at me then continued.

I curled up in a ball trying to soften the blows to my face and stomach but only made him mad. "Go to your room and clean up. I want you out of my site." Looking up slowly I got up and walked out. (End)

My eyes flew open as I found myself screaming. I sat up and cried. "Frisk what's wrong did you have a bad dream?" He asked full of concern but it didn't matter to me in that moment. I just wanted to cry. I flipped over blurring my face in the pillow.

After a little bit I decided to sit up. "Frisk, I think we should ask how to leave. You need to get out of here." I nod slowly then got up. Taking Flowey with me.

I looked at Toriel. "Awake I see. How about something to eat." She said that and pushed me towards the kitchen.

FlowerFell: Girl With Golden FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now