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(Cherry's POV)

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I scramble through my apartment in a hurry.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SHIRT?!" I yell, running around with suit trousers and a bra on, coffee in one hand.

I sigh as I eventually find the white button shirt I'd been searching for, for the last half hour. I frantically put it on, grab my keys and throw them into my handbag whilst sliding on a pair of black heels.
"Did you find your shirt?" A voice from the other room shouts.
"Yes, Hayden. I did." I roll my eyes.
"So, what'd you want me to make you for when you get home from work? Or should be order take out? Chinese? Pizza?" She smiles.
"Hayden. You have to go. We were over months ago, this can't happen again. Just because you and Joe are having problems, doesn't mean we're a thing again." I say softly.
"But nothing Hayden. You cheated. Last night was a mistake. I gotta go. I'm already late. You know where to leave the key, here's 20 for a cab. Goodbye" I say, with slight anger in my voice, slamming a note on the table.

I get outside and into my car and drive to work.
"Seriously. She has some nerve." I mumble to myself. I take a deep breath to cool myself down whist parking the car. I step outside and head towards the building.

"Morning Miss O'Hara!"
"Mitch, how many times. You've worked for me for a year now, you can call me Cherry." I giggle, shoving him gently on the shoulder.
"Sure. Got it. Sorry. We've had a call this morning, a Mrs Visage has made an appointment with you at 9am about the apartment that we just got on the market." He says handing me multiple sheets of paper, along with a coffee.
"Great, send her my way when she arrives." I say, taking a sip of coffee and winking.

I step into the elevator and press the 5th floor. I head into my office and take a seat at my desk, scanning the papers laid out in front of me and eventually get to work. Sending emails, making calls, sorting files, and the usual shit you do when you run a business.

The phone next to me rings, startling me.
"Hello?" I say holding the speaker button.
"It's Steve, Mrs Visage is on her way up to you now. Be careful, she seems like a handful." He whispers.
"It's okay Steve, I'm a tough gal. Thanks!" I giggle, then hang up.

I hear a small knock at my office door and run to answer.
"Hi, you must be Mrs Visage?" I smile, my knees instantly weakening from her intimidating presence. I stare, her long black hair tumbling into soft curls on one shoulder, her make up done to utter perfection.
"Honey, it's Miss, and you can call me Michelle." She replies, her eyes scanning me up and down whilst she removes her faux fur jacket, revealing an extremely low cut top that exposed her large breasts. I widen my eyes, then quickly return my eyes to her stunning face.

"Of course, Michelle. Take a seat. Thank you for choosing O'Hara Housing. What can I help you with?" I say with a welcoming smile.
"Well, I was referred here from a friend as they said you guys have the best places on the market. I've had my eyes on this studio apartment you guys have for sale just now and want to make an appointment for a booking." Michelle replies, never once breaking eye contact.
"Of course, let me just check the system and I'll see when I can get the viewing sorted for you." I say whilst typing and clicking away at the computer in front of me. "I can do tomorrow at 3pm?"

"Let me think. I'm seeing my divorce lawyer at 1:30, that'll take about an hour, then a half hour drive to the place. Sure, that'll do." Michelle says nodding.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I say softly, referring to her divorce statement.
"Oh sweetie, don't be. Shit happens." She says, with a somewhat fake smile.
"I guess. So Steve will meet you there at 3pm. The address is here, and I hope to see you-"
"No no no. I don't want him." Michelle cuts me off, with a somewhat angry/confused tone.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I can get one of my other employees to do it for you." I say with a nervous smile, surprised by her anger.

"No. I don't want anyone else, I want you to show me around this place." She smirks.
"Miss- Michelle. I don't do the viewings, I run this company after my parents handed it over to me. It'd be a bit difficult for me to do viewings and help run the place." I say softly, trying to avoid escalating her anger.
"I. Want. You." She says quietly. Leaning over the desk towards me.

"Oh. Um. Okay. I guess, I'll see you at 3pm tomorrow." I say nervously.
"That's what I thought. Great. See you tomorrow Miss O'Hara." Michelle replies, standing up and putting on her jacket and walking towards the door.
"And another thing, don't wear a pants suit again honey. You've got a great figure, show some leg Miss O'Hara." She says looking over her shoulder and once again looking me up and down.
"Cherry, my name is Cherry." I say in a firmer tone.
"Well, Cherry. I will see YOU tomorrow." Michelle says, raising an eyebrow and biting lightly on her bottom lip whilst tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I lightly close the door behind her. I take a deep breathe to calm my nerves, she was stern, she was intimidating, but it all made her so attractive.

"Did she...was she coming on to me?" I whisper to myself in confusion, laying my head back on the door.

(A/N. Sorry if that was a little boring, but I promise it'll get better from here out. This all feels very much new to me. If anyone has any ideas for plot lines, any ideas they have for the story, please comment. Thank you for reading. I'll post chapter 2 in the next couple of days.)

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