Beach, Please!

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(A/N : First up guys I am SO fucking sorry for being SO (completely) absent, life has been totally fucking hectic, I don't even know when I'm going to post the next chapter (Also don't even know if people are reading/enjoying this story) SO again, I'm so so sorry. If anyone had ideas for following chapters pls comment/message me with inspo so i can get chapters out quicker. Also lemme know if you're enjoying this story. Lots of love - Chloe.)

(Cherry's POV.)

I pull up outside Michelle's apartment and sound the horn of my car for her to know I'm here. A wait a few minutes before she steps outside. Face beat for the gods, huge sunglasses, cleavage exposed, high heels - typical Michelle.
"Afternoon, gorgeous!" I say with a smile as she gets in the car.
"Hi honey!" She says leaning over and kissing my cheek.

"So, where we going?" I ask.
"Anywhere!" She responds.
"Michelle, don't be that girl, tell me where you wanna go." I giggle.
"Can we just drive for a while? Take the route along by the beach, roof down, good music." Michelle says.
"That's more like it!" I say as I begin to drive.

I let the roof of my car down and put on the radio as we drive, heading for the beach front. Michelle places her hand on my thigh as I drive, sending shivers down my spine as she slowly runs her fingers up and down continuously. 

We stop for some food continue the drive, pulling up by the beach.

"Its getting dark, ain't it?" Michelle says staring up at the sky.

"Yeah, you scared?" I giggle

"Opposite actually, I feel so content right now. You know when everything in your life is a mess, but when your just with that one person, you feel so at peace and that's all you ever wanna feel? You make me really happy Cherry." Michelle says softly, smiling as she strokes my cheek.

I lean  in and plant a kiss on her cheek, she turns her head and catches my lips against hers. We embark on a passionate kiss, only lasting 20 seconds, but felt for hours. Butterflies swirling round my stomach, Michelle's tongue dancing round my mouth as I trail my hand up her thigh.

"Put some music on Cher!"

"Sure, what do you want?" 

"Hmm, anything Madonna!" Michelle rolls her eyes, as if I was supposed to know she was a huge Madonna fan.

"Okay! I'll put on my favourite, crazy for you!" I say typing it in to my phone, which was blue-toothed to my car.

*Play Music Here* 

We continue our drive.

"Let me take you to my favourite place!" I say with an excited look.

"I know where my own vagina is?" Michelle responds with a smirk.

"FUNNY! That is my fave place, BUT this is my second favourite, or third if I count your huge boobs!" I giggle as Michelle hits me playfully.

"SHUT UP!!! Honey they ain't that big!" She says staring down at her own boobs.

"Shell, they kind of are. Don't help that you have them out in literally every shirt you own." I say laughing, knowing I was winding Michelle up even more. 

"Cherry, we wouldn't be dating if you seen these babies before my boob job, I looked like a 12 year old boy!" She says rolling her eyes.

"Hey, don't say that. I'm not with you for your boobs, I'm with you for whats behind them!" I say.


"YOUR HEART, YOU ASS!" I squeal as we both laugh uncontrollably.

I pull up on the hillside over looking the whole city. The roof down, the stars sheltering us. 

"My Dad used to take me here all the time when I was a kid, he said if I made a wish on the stars someday it would come true." I say smiling with a sense of nostalgia. 

"What did you wish for?" Michelle asks.

"To be happy." I say.

"And are you?"


"Cherry, what would you think about us actually becoming a thing?"

"Like, girlfriends or dating more?"

"Maybe, I dunno, like dating a little more. I know I'm recently divorced and all that shit, and I don't wanna jump into anything so soon, but I really feel great every time I'm with you. I'd just really really like to spend more time with you." Michelle says stroking my cheek. 

I lean in and plant a kiss on Michelle's lips.

"So, what do you think?" She says hesitantly.

"I think you know." I say smiling, kissing her again, "Car sex?"...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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