1 - Children of The Fallen

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 Sorry for the short chapter /: I'm hoping they will start to get larger starting with the second chapter. I mean, at least I put up a story :L. I haven't been on wattpad in ages. Also, sorry for any mistakes. This is not edited at all. xD Heh. Anyway. Enjoy <3


 Chapter 1 -

  I could hear them, I could feel them - their heart beats and outtake of breath. It scared me, how much I could see, hear, and smell. It was inhuman. Hell, I was inhuman for god's sake. I shook my head, now was not the time to be thinking of that stuff. I just needed to get away, and fast. They were after me and I had to figure out where to go. Home? No, they would never except me now. I had to find a different home. I had to leave my human family and all my belongings. Thanks to that bastard Cellic. I would kill him one day. Kill him, and never feel guilty about it. I mean, even if I were to die, I would still go to hell no matter if I sinned already. I was a sin. My whole being on the earth made me a sin. What I am is a sin. A sin I can never have forgiven.

  They continued to chase me; stupid werewolves. Why did I have to run into them not even 15 mintues after being bitten? I was hungry, and I feared my crave for blood would get me in trouble, which is why I needed some. Fast. They continued to snarl and bark, yelling stuff like 'Come back little fledgiling, we're hungry.' and 'Don't worry, at least you'll be where you belong, dead on the ground.' in their rough and raspy voices. They had horrible sounding voices when they were wolves. The song 'Hungry Like The Wolf' by the classic Duran Duran popped into my head. I snorted, how ironic.

   I made a turn, bursting out of the woods. I turned around, seeing the two wolves slowly approach me. I began to back up cautiously, "Hey now, can't we work out some sort of agreement?" I said, silently cursing when my voice wavered at the end. They laughed harshly, causing me to wince. Their laugh was worse then their regular talking. "Don't be foolish. We would never make an agreement with a child of the fallen." I grit my teeth, "You children of the moon sure are cocky aren't you?" I said, scolwing as I continued to back up. They stopped moving forward, "How do you know we're called children of the moon?" the asked, suddenly confused. I smirked, "It was just a guess."

   From the corner of my eye I could see what seemed to be the light from a car's headlights. The rwo wolves turned in that direction, swearing, "You're lucky you're getting away." they said, before turning and rushing into the woods. I turned, facing the car head on, a determined look on my face. I saw the driver - a boy who seemed to be the same age as me. I sighed, guilt tugging at me as he halted to a stop. But I shrugged it away, walking up to the car. He rolled down the window, "Hey baby, you have some nice leg there, want to hop in and go have fun?" he asked arrogantly, winking. Suddenly I didn't feel guilty anymore. I snorted, "Pig." before reaching out and grabbing him around the neck. I guess I hadn't realized my new strength yet, because I gripped too hard and crushed his neck, causing him to go limp. I winced.

  Closing my eyes, I brought my lips to his neck, almost kissing it. My mouth began to pound at the scent of his skin, almost like I could smell his blood already. I opened my mouth widely, fangs springing out, before digging them into his neck. I began to drink, and it was like heaven rushing into my mouth. Better than anything I had ever tasted as a mortal. I began to eat faster and faster, as if I couldn't get enough. Adrenaline began to pump through me and I had so much energy, that I felt like running around the whole world. I felt alive, and I loved it.

  Once I drank him dry, I pulled away abruptly, ripping the skin. I let go of him, and his body fell to the ground with a small thud. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and wrenched open the door to the boy's car. I slid in and slammed the door shut, driving away. I made sure not to press on the gas pedal too hard, for fear of shoving my foot through the car floor. I was well over the speed limit, nearly hitting 110 miles per hour. I put weight on the brake as I hit a turn, drifting around the corner.

  Something tugged at my self concious, and I tried to ignore. That is, until I heard a very familiar voice boom in my head, "Fledgling!" I got scared and slammed on the breaks learching forward, then flying backwards into the seat. "What the hell?" I yelled, when something landed on the hood of the car. I flinched, throwing my arms over my head in a reflex. I looked up and visibly turned red with anger, "Fucking Cellic." I growled, forcing open the locked car door, causing the hinges screeching in protest as they were broken apart. "What the hell do you want!" I snarled, clenching my fists.

  He looked at me, "Are you fucking stupid? Why would you go and kill someone, leaving their body to be found, and then take their car?" he said, in a scolding tone. I grit my teeth, "You have no right to go telling me whats right and whats not. You just turned me into a fucking monster and now you're going to tell me I'm doing it wrong? You're the one who's 'fucking stupid'." I said, completely enraged. His whole aura was irritating, like you could taste how cocky and annoyingly arrogant he was. It made me want to kill him even more. He sighed, rubbing his temples, "Come on, we need to go somewhere safe. The sun's going to rise soon." I glared, "I don't want your help. You're the last person I want to see right now. Let alone go places with." I snapped and he rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up. You have no where to go and I'm offering a place for you. It's either go with me, or risk being burnt to a crisp while looking for a place to stay."

  I frowned when I realized he had a point. I reluctantly agreed, "Whatever. But once the sun sets, I'm leaving and I never want to see you again." he smirked, "Let's go then." I had a feeling I would regret going with him.

  We traveled for a short period of time, considering we had such speed on our side. Once we actually got to where we were staying, though, I immediately felt regret for going with him.

   I walked into the hotal room he said he had been staying in while in town. I stopped halfway in the door, "Where's the second bed?" I asked, frowning. He rolled his eyes, pushing me inside, "I've been staying here by myself, of course there's only one bed." he said. I looked at him, "I hope you didn't plan on resting tonight." He gave me a sour look, "I just spent half the night looking for you and then arguing with you. Of course I want to sleep. I didn't even get a decent meal." he must have realized his mistake when saying the last sentence, when my hand flew across his face.

  He glared at me, rubbing his cheek. I shot one at him, that made sure he stayed quiet. "You're sleeping on the floor." I said, going over and laying down on the bed, my back facing him. He scoffed, "No. I pay for this bed, so I'm going to sleep in it." he said and I felt an arm wrap around my waist, his body pressing against mine. "What do you think you're doing?" I said, voice shaking with anger. I could almost hear him smirk, "I'm getting comfy for bed." I ripped off his arm and jumped up, twirling around and kicking him in the stomach, sending him flying off the bed and into the wall. Luckily I didn't hit too hard to damage the gross beige-looking wall. "Don't you ever touch me again, or I will hurt you." I growled. He got up, like my kick didn't phase him, which it probably didn't considering it wasn't hard at all. He rolled his eyes, "Don't be so touchy."

  I put my hands on my hips, "Don't be so cocky, conceited, and such an asshole." I said, and he just grumbled something under his breath. I made out, 'Nit picky bitch.' but I tried to ignore it, rolling my eyes and laying back in the bed. I saw him grab the other pillow on the bed and lay it on the floor, taking an extra sheet from the chest at the foot of the bed. Cellic laid down, pulling the sheet over him. Giving a victorious smile, I closed my eyes and fell asleep in a peaceful bliss for the next 12 hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2012 ⏰

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