“ I hope so! Because if it keeps happening then I don’t know what I’ll do. I have no friends.” Nicole said
“Why don’t you go join a club? Go make friends. It’ll be good for you!” Said James
“Well, what clubs?” Nicole said confusingly.
“ This school has tons of clubs you could be interested in! For example, Key Club. Key Club is one of the best decisions I’ve made in awhile. I’m really glad I joined and the people in it are extremely nice and so beyond friendly. You’ll make friends in no time. Trust me, you won’t regret it. “ James said excitedly
“ So, what exactly is Key Club? Do you make keys?” Said Nicole
“ *laughs uncontrollably* No, we don’t make keys. It’s just a funny expression people think we do. Key Club International is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It’s a student-led organization whose goal is to teach leadership through helping! Key Club International is actually a part of the Kiwanis International family of service-leadership programs. There are many local Key Clubs are sponsored by a local Kiwanis club. K-Kids is for elementary, Builders club is for middle school, Key Club is for high school, Circle K is college, and Aktion club is where adults have disabilities.”
“Sounds like fun! How do I join?!” Said Nicole
“You’ll like it, don’t worry! I will talk to the advisor and I will get you, your application for you to fill out. The membership fee is $16, but we do fundraising to help you. “ James said
“ Thank you so much! Is there any other clubs I should know about and join?” Nicole said
“ Um, well, there is DECA, but I’d rather you not join that…” Said James
“ What’s DECA? And Why shouldn’t I join it?” Nicole said anxiously
“DECA is organized into two unique student divisions each with programs designed to address the learning styles, interest and focus of its members. A.K.A Money hoarders!” James said with complete disgust
“So I shouldn’t join DECA? Hmmm…” Nicole said
“ Don’t join it. Deca likes to hoard money and they like to steal our members.” Said James
"Okay, i'll join Key Club for now. Thanks for telling me about it!" Excitedly said Nicole