Chapter 1

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Please note: Guardian is referred to as a real life guardian (for example if you live with your grandparents and you're in middle school they are referred to as your guardian(s) whenever they have to sign special papers).

"Hey, mom! Look what I found!" said a little boy.

"What is it honey?" said the mother.

A few seconds later the mother is in shock because there's a small girl, wrapped in bandages all over her, in a tube. Not knowing if the girl is sill alive, the mom attempts to take the girl out. A few minutes pass and the girl coughs.

"Where am I?" The girl asked.

"You're in Girdwood," replied the mom.

"Where's that?" The girl asked again.

"In Alaska," replied the mom.

"Where's Alaska?" The girl asked.

"In America," replied the mom.

"Where's America?" The girl asked.

"In North America," replied the mom.

"Where's North America?" The girl asked.

"You have an awful lot of questions. Don't you know your countries and continents?" said the mom.

"What are those and who are you?" The girl asked.

"Oh, I see, you lost your memory. My name is Lily and you're on a planet called Earth. Earth is a planet on which we live on. It's the only planet in the solar system that has life," replied Lily, "and this is my son, Chain. I adopted him and we've been having a lot of fun. Would you like to join us? We won't hurt you. Do you at least remember your name?"

The girl stared blankly for a few moments and then said, "I don't. I can't remember anything. I don't even know where I come from."

Lily chuckled a little, "I'm pretty sure you're from Earth as well, but I don't know. There have been a few alien sightings. Maybe you're an alien."

"An alien?" said the girl in a confused voice.

"Yes, that's an organism that does not originate from Earth," said Lily.

"So does that mean Akito is an alien?" The girl asked.

"Akito? Is that your dad?" Lily asked.

"No, Akito is an alien," the girl said.

Lily looked at the girl with a confused look but then smiled afterwards, "is it okay if I call you Lilacs?"

"Lilacs? What's a lilacs?" Lilacs asked.

"That's you," said Lily almost starting to cry.

When Lilacs went with Lily and Chain, her new life has just started. She would be going to school starting next week with Chain, and along the way she will be learning new things and some of those things will be about her.

The first week of school for Lilacs was very hard, she couldn't keep up with the class and she didn't even know how to use a pencil properly. A few more weeks went by and she started getting bullied. Lilacs ignored them and kept on going.

Back at home, Lilacs would play video games with Chain and he'd get annoyed that she would always win and never let him win for once. Lilacs didn't really like Chain's attitude so she stopped playing video games with him shortly. Instead, she would stay in her room minding her own business except when Chain would make a lot of noise. They shared a room since there wasn't enough rooms for them to have their own.

~     ~     ~

"OW! What was that for?!" Chain said.

"That's what you get for looking at me while I'm changing. Just because we share a room doesn't mean you get to look at me like that," said Lilacs.

"I wasn't looking at you, I was getting changed myself," said Chain.

"Then why did you turn around?"

"How would you even know, we're both facing the wall."

"Just don't do it again."

Chain mumbled words to himself as he finished changing and made his way to the bathroom. Lilacs started braiding her hair once she finished changing. She didn't do much with her hair and she usually finds it a nuisance since it's always in her face. Lily doesn't want Lilacs getting her hair short so she's stuck.

At school Lilacs was getting bullied again and it was all she could take and she started crying in a corner.

"I'd never make you cry Lilacs. You've been making home very interesting. Lily and I like you there. Don't listen to the kids because they don't know you or what has happened to you. No one does so cheer up. Tears don't suit you," said Chain as he put Lilacs in his arms.

"What are you saying?" Lilacs asked.

"What I'm saying is you're not alone! So stop crying. That's not going to get you anywhere," said Chain.

Lilacs looked at Chain surprised with tears still coming down her cheeks. Lilacs got up and started walking to her class. Two girls walked past her and gave her a look but Lilacs glared back at them scaring them away.

"That's it!" said Chain, "you're good now, right?"

"Yea," said Lilacs.


Thanks for reading! I know it's been ages since I've posted a new story.

Sorry for the slow beginning, but I promise it's going to get better!

Stay tuned for Chapter 2!

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