Chapter 6

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Another year of school has passed. Chain's and Lilacs' schedules came in and Lilacs couldn't be more happy because she has lunch and art class with Chain. Her two favorite times of the day. Chain was flattered but he feels bad because he's been hiding something from Lilacs ever since the first day they met. He meant to tell her but he's too shy and scared of what would happen if he does mention anything to her about his secret. Thinking about it now, it's probably worse if he tells her now since Lilacs has so much trust and loyalness towards him. Not telling her this big secret could ruin everything, and then Chain wouldn't get a chance of being with Lilacs (aww how cute Chain).

On the first day of school, Lilacs could barely stand up because she didn't get to see Chain this much at school for a while or even ever. When she was walking up the stairs, and Chain was behind her, he called out to her and she got startled and tripped. Chain caught her and Lilacs couldn't help but blush. Chain smiled at her, "You're really clumsy," and he laughs a little.

During lunch Chain and Lilacs traded lunches because Lily accidentally mixed them up. Thank goodness that they had lunch together or else they wouldn't be able to eat their own lunch. In art class, Lilacs had to draw something about her and she drew a tube with chains around it. The teacher, freaked out a little bit, but couldn't help but compliment her good artistic skills. Lilacs smiled because she practiced and practiced drawing for the entire summer. She wanted to do her best in this class, and she wasn't gonna be stuck with artist's block (but it's probably gonna still happen).

After school, Chain thought about the secret long and hard. He really wanted to tell Lilacs but he was afraid.

"Lilly?" Chain asked.

"Yes, Chain?" Lilly replied.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell Lilacs for a while but I'm afraid of what the outcome would be," said Chain.

Lilly smiled, she was thinking that Chain wanted to confess his feelings to Lilacs but this was not the case, "If you want to tell her really badly, you should take her out somewhere."

"I was thinking of something more private," said Chain, "things could go out of hand."

"Don't be that doubtful, Lilacs wouldn't get angry over telling her your feelings," said Lilly

Wait, What? She thought Chain was talking about confessing his feelings? Chain laughed a little, "No, it's not that. It's something else. It's a secret. A big secret."

"Oh, okay, then you should go to the pond out in the back," said Lilly.

Chain nodded and went to go get Lilacs. He asked her if she wanted to go on a walk. Lilacs kindly accepted. Chain started to get nervous and more nervous as they came closer to the pond.

"Is something wrong,Chain?" asked Lilacs.

"Not really, there's just been something I've been meaning to tell you for a while now," said Chain as he looked on the ground, "please don't hate me when I tell you."

"I could never hate you. You and Lilly saved me and gave me life," said Lilacs, "how could I hate the people who did that to me?" Chain didn't know what to say after that so he just smiled.

When they got to the pond, they sat down. Chain tensed up and was quiet for a few moments, "........ The.... The thing I want to say is..... Is..... Is that I knew you before I found you in the tube. We were in the same lab when Akito took over our lives. I don't remember who else was there but I remembered you because we were in the same unit. Akito was gonna destroy you but then the systems malfunctioned and they stopped the experiment. They couldn't tell if you were alive so they just put you in a tube with the others that didn't survive previous experiments. You were the one who actually saved me. I was gonna be in your place, but then you begged Akito to take my place," Chain pauses and sobs, "I didn't know what Akito was gonna do to me but after that happened, he just dismissed whoever was in the lab to go back to their rooms. I didn't go back to my room. I found a crawl space and hid in there until the security went to sleep so I could make a portal and escape without them being notified. Whoever makes a portal while the security was on, they were gonna be in big trouble. That day I was lucky I wasn't called in for anymore tests or experiments. My roommate also covered for me when he noticed that I wasn't there. He jammed the door so that there was no possible way the guards could check the room to see if we were there when we were supposed to. The next day when I escaped successfully, someone got into the computer room and put a virus on the whole ship. It caused the ship to malfunction and explode. Everyone, except for Akito and a few others, didn't survive that crash so I was surprised to see you in the tube when Lilly and I were wandering around. I felt bad that I didn't grab you when I was escaping so I figured that it was my chance to return the favor. I didn't know much about you when we were in the ship, but I do know that you stood up for yourself and a lot of others to get them out of misery. You saved a lot of lives and Akito hated you for that so he wanted to do the worst to you that day when you took my place. That's why the systems failed because Akito was giving too much force towards them."

Lilacs cries and holds Chain's hand, she was too shocked and sad for words.  

"There are times when I don't want to remember those things, because of all the things that happened. When I found you, everything suddenly started coming back to me. What surprised me even more was that you were still alive. If you want to hate me for not telling you sooner, I'm okay with that," said Chain.

"It's fine, and now that I know this, Akito really needs to die now," said Lilacs as she starts to steam up, "is Akito also the reason why you can't grow?"

"Yes... He always put me in tight spaces to keep me from growing," said Chain.

Lilacs turns to Chain and cries ever more, "that's so cruel."

"I know, but at least we aren't under his power anymore," said Chain.

"Yes we are, we're still suffering. You're suffering by not growing and I'm suffering by not having any memories," said Lilacs.

Lilacs stands up and attempts to open a portal. Somehow she managed to open up a portal and turns to Chain, "aren't you coming?"

Before they stepped in the portal, they see Akito being thrown out into their dimension. Lilacs and Chain, confused, they see a stranger creature. Not sure who or what it is, they go with the flow and see what will happen next. The strange creature picks up Akito and says in a deep scary voice, "and don't ever come back. You're not welcomed in the pack....EVER.... My father could have ripped your weird head off, but he didn't. Instead he's gonna leave you here. If he or anyone else ever sees you, you're gonna die."

"Your father didn't kill me because he would have died. You don't know anything about shadow demons do you, Leo?" Akito said and laughs, "Your whole pack would have died if I died. You see, if a shadow demon is killed, it causes black fog to spread and kill anything that gets in the way of its path. Don't think your dad is so tough. I know you hate him just as much as I hate him. You're too much of a pup to fight him. He's weaker than you are, but you're afraid that all of that big talk from his mouth is real."

"Goodbye, Akito," said Leo and walks back into the portal and thanks Lilacs. Lilacs closes the portal.

"Well, look who it is. I was just about to come to you," said Lilacs.

"Save it, my powers have been drained for now. I'll be getting them back later. Save the fight until then. If you had your ears opened a few minutes ago, you wouldn't kill me just yet," said Akito.

"If I was more powerful, I'd still kill you," said Lilacs and walks away.

As Chain was walking away with Lilacs, he could only think how much more serious Lilacs can get. He still has much to learn about her. Until then, he would just continue to support her. He also wanted to learn more about this Leo. Maybe he could be Lilacs ticket on getting rid of Akito for good.

"Is there anything else you know about me?" asked Lilacs.

"Not really," said Chain.

"Do you think I can color in your art project?" asked Lilacs.

"No," said Chain.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I had a little bit of writer's block so this chapter was a little sucky. I'm also sorry for not updating in such a long time.

Next chapter will be out soon. Stay tooned~

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