Chapter 3

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Thanks for reading this far. ^-^

Doctors are running all across the room to grab the tools they need. They'll have to do surgery on Lilacs, but Lilacs is fighting them, "What are you going to do to me?!" They don't say anything and they knock her out. During the operation something goes wrong and the doctors start to panic.

"She stopped breathing! I knew that this experiment wouldn't work on a small child!" said one of the doctors, "it's no use now! She's gonna stay as a child for the rest of her life now. We need to stop this operation now before we lose her forever!"

Lilacs wakes up, "it was only a dream." She tries to calm down. Chain wakes up, "is everything okay?"

"Yes," said Lilacs, and she goes back to sleep.

When morning came, Chain asked Lilacs why she woke up startled in the middle of the night. Lilacs explained that it was only a nightmare.

"I think I had a flashback," she said.

"A flashback? Like when before we found you in the tube?" Chain asked.

"I think so, it was doctors doing an operation on me, but then something went wrong," she explained.

"Well, that explains your being in the tube. Did anything else happen?"

"No, I woke up before anything else happened."

"Interesting," said Chain and finished his breakfast, "maybe more of this stuff will happen. If you get too frightened you can slip in my bed."

Chain was no longer at the same school as Lilacs, and that made her very sad because now she would really have no one to hang out with. She noticed that over the year she's lived with Chain and Lily, that Chain hasn't changed once. He looks the same as he did as he always looked. She stopped thinking about it because she didn't want it getting to her. She wanted to focus on school even though she still had trouble. She finally learned how to properly use the pencil and have neat handwriting, but now it was only a matter of time before she would start understanding the material. Lilacs' teacher took a lot of thought into it and even told Lily that Lilacs is struggling a lot. Since Lily knew Lilacs' story, Lilacs didn't really have anything to worry about, but she was wrong. When Lily got done with the meeting with her teacher, Lily said that she has to try harder and she needs to study more. Doing just the homework won't do much, and passing tests will boast her grades. Lilacs knew Lily was only saying this because her teacher wanted Lily to tell her what he wanted to say to her, but the teacher didn't want to tell Lilacs personally so she wouldn't feel as bad. Just like every other teacher.

As soon as Lilacs got home, she started studying the material she needed to know. 30 minutes has passed by, and she still didn't understand anything but she wasn't going to give up. She wanted to be like everyone else and get through school even though she vaguely remembers that she never started her life with school. Lilacs was still confused on why school was a thing, but she didn't care because she loved it even though it was hard for her. It helped her get her mind off from a lot of things. There was one thing that Lilacs didn't like about school and that was her classmates. They still thought she was weird, and they never gave her a chance to explain herself whenever she accidentally got involved with them. Lilacs didn't care if she didn't have any friends because the only friend she needed was Lily and Chain. Everyone else can put her down as much as they want, but Lilacs would always go on because of her new family.

The next day at school, a girl pointed out that Lilacs was still premature and that she didn't look like any of the other girls at all. Lilacs looked back on her nightmare from that one night and explained that she was born with a problem and that she would never be able to mature. The girl stared at Lilacs and then said, "that's not normal."

"It's not my fault," said Lilacs.

"It's probably your parents. Your mom didn't do a good job of taking care of herself when she was pregnant with you," said the girl. This was the last straw for Lilacs. She got up, and punched the girl in the face.

"MONSTER!" said the girl and she started to cry.

"Oh, shut up! Don't you dare talk nonsense about me since you don't even talk to me! What do you know anyways! At least I do my work!" said Lilacs, and then she was stopped by the teacher before she could injure the girl anymore. This caused her to get suspended for a week. The girl gave Lilacs a mean look and stuck her tongue at her.

"Don't think by doing that you'll have a tongue!" said Lilacs and then she was sent home.

Lily got upset with Lilacs, but in the end supported her, "would you feel better if you went to  a different school?"

"No, because then I wouldn't be able to go to the same school as Chain," said Lilacs.

Lily chuckled a little bit, "yes you would. You're just going to be in a different school until you're old enough to be in the same school as Chain. I promise."

"I just wish that girl would be dead," said Lilacs.

"This time of your school life isn't the best, but I promise it'll get better," said Lily.

"It better," said Lilacs, "I don't like elementary school."

Chain laughed, "Don't we all."


Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Stay tuned for chapter 4!

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