Never coming back

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Chapter 10:

After that incident, Louis never came back.

Eventhough Zayn searched through the whole school, asking every teacher in the school. But none of them knew Louis. It's like he never came here before. And he just disappear out of thin air.

Zayn doesnt give up. He even searched through the whole bungalow area in the neighbourhood, asking everyone who lived there. But there was no sign of Louis. Nobody seen him before.

Zayn was going crazy. Was it all just a dream. Or was he just imagining Louis? He even asked around about the haunted house . The answer he received were all the same spooky tale.

"If you get near it , you could hear someone playing the piano.. and its an abandon house you know? It's got to be the spirits !" The folks around the neighbourhood speak the same story.

Zayn gave up finally ... He got tired of searching around. He got tired of crying everynight. He decided to stop it...maybe Louis was really just an imagination. But he was so real. He could even remember the sweet scent of his lips... stop. Zayn always felt pain in his heart everytime he thought of it. Heartbreak...this must be it..

Zayn went to school as usual. as usual before he met Louis. But he was never the same. Always a pale face, couldnt even concentrate. Niall, his best friend also came to worrying what was going on with this lad. Ever since he saw Zayn shouting at the 'invisible' boy, he could felt that Zayn wasnt the same anymore. Zayn doesnt even walked out of the school with him anymore. His heart hurts thinking of this.





"You alright? lad?"

"Yeah m'fine.." and Zayn continued to stared outside the window , eyes blank.

Niall sighed.. and decided to leave him alone after all.

Zayn skipped a lot of lessons. including his music lessons. Because he couldnt bear with the memories of Louis and him in there. He couldnt bring himself to face it.

When Zayn was walking out of the school, he heard a shout behind him. He turned around to find Liam running towards him.

"Dammit." he thought and prepared to go away but was stopped by Liam.

" sorry for what that night happened okay? I didnt meant to make you uncomfortable." Liam apologized with a guilty look .

"Make me uncomfortable?" Zayn gave an evil cruel laugh.

"Why were you even there?"

" were the one who gave me the letter..!"

"What? Didnt you see i wrote to Louis?!" Zayn shouted loudly.

"Louis ? yeah i did and i was wondering why but then you smiled at me and there was nobody beside me! So who was it then?" Liam's face was red from shouting. He glared at Zayn, waiting for an explanation.

"Rubbish." spat Zayn, refusing to hear any of the nonsense.

And it was end of August. Which meant September starts soon. Zayn's graduation for his junior year. Starting of holiday soon too.

Zayn was going to choose some clothes to wear for graduation day at night. He fumbled through the clothes until a piece of folded paper dropped out from his shorts with a thump. He stared at it as he was trying to recover the memory of this paper.

He thought for a long time. Until it snapped him. He remembered something he wasnt supposed to forget all the time.

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