Chapter 5 - Cry if you need

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~~~ Zane keeps helping Adalia

When Adalia woke it was with a jolt and Zane slipped off the bed. He had been expecting her to wake up since her stomach had started making sounds again. He gave his wolf body a good stretch before going into the bathroom and changing. Once he was dressed he walked out and gave her a relaxed smile, "Hope you didn't mind my wolf curling up next to you. He wanted to make sure you knew you were safe. Hungry again? Would you like a shower?"

When there was a knock on the door he opened it and found Olivia outside, "Hey Liv, bring some clean clothing?" He took the bag when she handed it to him and dropped it inside the door before giving her a good hug, "Thanks and I appreciate it. If you want to hang around and get to know some of the kids here go for it. Oh, some more food would be greatly appreciated. Maybe another burger?"

Zane heard movement behind him and he turned to look. The woman, he was guessing she might be eighteen or so, had sat up and scrunched against the headboard, "I briefly introduced my sister earlier. This is Olivia and she is human, so you know. She brought me some clothing and a long shirt for you as well."

Olivia peeked in through the door and gave a small wave though she didn't lean in very far, "There are some new shorts for you as well. Didn't know what size panties you might wear so we got you some gym shorts. If you know your size, we can pick you up some later."

Adalia returned the look though she didn't say anything. She did sniff, and it was the same scent from earlier and resembled the scent of the man in the room. After the sniff and look she curled up in the blankets again.

"Get some food and I'm going to see if she wants a shower. Later sis and thanks again." He closed the door behind her as she left and turned to Adalia, "I know you are scared. Believe me I do understand but I won't hurt you and my sister definitely won't. I'm going to put the shirt and shorts on the counter in the bathroom. I'm going to make sure you have soap and everything else you need for a shower. Once I'm done, go in and get clean."

He dug through the bag and pulled one of his longer shirts out and held it up. Just looking at it and what he had seen of the girl it should hang down to her upper thighs. The shorts were longer and would cover her mid to lower thighs. Considering what she was wearing now was torn and dirty almost anything would be better. He did as he told her and ignored her huddling on the bed until he was done. After making sure there was everything she would need he came back out, "Go in and take a shower. I'll remain out here. Nothing and nobody will enter the bathroom until you are done and come out."

Just to make his point he went and settled down where he had been and pulled his phone out. There were several texts from Tessa which made him grin, "My girlfriend told me to avoid spending lots of time with she-wolves. I know she is teasing but it was so amusing. Would you like to see some pictures of my family and team?" He looked up and she had barely moved from the spot.

She was watching him fiddle with the phone. At the mention of his having a girlfriend she seemed to relax some. At the offer of seeing some pictures she slowly nodded. When he stood and moved over she tensed again but didn't move away. So far, he hadn't done anything to her and had simply talked. Waking up next to his wolf had scared her but again he hadn't done anything except stretch and change.

Zane settled down next to her and called up the picture gallery, "This is my sister who you have seen. She was badly hurt in the accident which killed my family. Uncle Mike is a wolf and brought us to his pack since I had been changed." As he was talking he was flipping through the pictures. Many of them were bringing back memories but he had to show her he understood, "It was really hard the first few weeks as I tried to deal with losing everyone except for Olivia. Finally finding my team really helped, this is Tessa and her twin Oscar." As he was talking his voice roughened with the memories. He flipped through the pictures of his team and introduced them.

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