Chapter 7 - Heading towards Canada

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A/N: This takes place just before chapter 18 of Wolf Tech Book 3 and at the beginning of it.

~~~ Getting ready to head north

Mike picked Zane and Olivia up at the airport, "How was the visit with Jolene?" After the fun and excitement of her last visit they had been able to fly out. It was longer that the initial thoughts of only a week or two once the school year was over. It had been over a year since Zane had been attacked by the rogue. What was so damn frustrating was the rogue seemed to have vanished. Neither hide nor hair of him had been seen since he had attacked Mike's nephew.

Zane growled, "How the hell do wolves manage to remain in the city? My sense of smell has been destroyed. Not sure if it's going to recover." He let out a good sneeze just for good measure. "Later I'll tell you about their rite of passage for the young wolves. They offered to let me do it and I nicely told them to go hang their tails in a fire." When they had told him, he could feel his wolf's fur stand up on end. That had made his brain feel fuzzy for several hours. *I'm worried about Adalia Beta Mike. She was very upset I had to leave. She is a street kid but a decent person.* His worries showed in his sending.

Olivia laughed at his reaction about the smells of the city, "Overall it was nice. She showed us some of her most recent pictures of her photoshoots. Zane was annoying though since he salivated through half the pictures. I swear I could hear his wolf wanting to go and hunt a zebra, wildebeest, and other animals." She shuddered since he still took his meat just shy of raw. She also sent to their Uncle, *Can you keep an eye on Zane? Dealing with Adalia brought back some bad memories. I'm worried about him and even Adalia, she felt most safe around him and only trusted him. It caused her to have a really bad crush on him and was terrified when he left.*

Mike had to shake his head, "I understand what you're saying Zane. I feel the same way every time I go to Portland, Seattle, and other large cities. It takes my nose a week to recover. I guess it is just what you learn to deal with. Remember you and busses?" Zane had complained about it once. *Can do and Esther has already contacted Irina about her. We are keeping a close eye on her.* *Olivia we're doing what we can. I have been constantly updated with how Zane has been doing. I'll let you know if needed. Relax and let me do my job.*

He made a face, "Thanks for the reminder Unc. I really didn't need it and now my wolf is whining at the memory. It was good, so when are we going north?" Before they had left they had been told Mike, one of his enforcers, Zane and his team as well as Olivia were going to some meeting. It was an alpha meeting in Canada and they were all looking forward to it. Zane hoped it would distract him from his worries about Adalia.

Mike pulled onto the road heading towards the property. They had some time before they would arrive since the nearest airport was Medford, "We will be leaving in three days, go to the Fossil Valley pack and hook up with Josh. From there we will head to the MacLaren pack in Canada. I have your passport cards ready for you. Since you have gotten a state ID card it's all you need to take for ID. All the others are ready to go and most of your stuff has been packed. Once we get back Tessa and Oscar will do your laundry and you can finish packing in the morning."

Zane couldn't help but smile at the mention of Tessa. He'd been missing her greatly. There had been a few she-wolves in the New York pack he had gotten to know but only as friends, "I can't wait to see Tessa and the rest of my team. I have been really missing them. Hopefully the anti-she-wolf spray works better here than it did in New York." He gave Mike a slight grin, "Still not doing diapers though..."

Olivia reached around the chair back and poked him for that, "We still have some of the tie-dyed shirts hanging around... I'll ensure some are brought with us. I'll also tell Annie what you said." Annie had delivered their baby girl not long ago and she was really cute.

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