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Drakes: Fire & Desire theme song for this book.

- Beck -

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- Beck -

He slipped on his Yeezy's as he prepared to leave the house. Even though his mom told him not to. He had to watch the girls. But, Beck was pissed - he was missing the party of the year, and here he was watching his little sister. The little rascals were already getting on his nerves. He just wanted to be free, just for two hours while his mom was at work.

He got up from his bed after he tied up his laces. He walked over to his dresser and put his hat on his head. He rubbed his face as he smirked, "nigga you look good!" He said snapping and pointing at himself. His door slammed open, hitting against the wall. He was met with his baby sister, Amber. He had her arms crossed against her chest,

"What? What's up, Amber?"

"Where are you going, mommy said you have to stay here with us! Doofus, your trying to sneak out aren't you?" He rolled my eyes,

"I'll only be gon' for two hours. You two will be fine by yourselves," she stomped her foot,

"I'll tell mommy!" She said as Beck turned around really looking at her,

"You wouldn't!"

"I will!" They stared one another down. He gave her that look and she turned around as he chased her out of his room. He scooped her up as he hung her over his shoulder,
"Put me down, Beck!!" She yelps, he laughed and carried her down the steps on his shoulder. As she punched on his back. He went into the living, where is other sister as in front of the tv watching some type of cartoons.

"Listen here!" He said with a deep booming voice, pulling Evy away from the tv for a moment. He flopped Amber on the couch, she hit him one last time before she sat there pouting. "I'm going out for an hour or two. Don't answer the door, don't open the door, don't be making a lot of noise, and don't be clowning in this house. I ain't trying to have mom kill me,"

"We don't say ain't, Beck." Evy, spoke. She was only a year older than Amber. Amber was six and Evy was seven.

"Girl, hush. Like I was saying, I'll be gon' for just a few hours." He said. His sisters looked at him as they held their hands out,
"What?" He asked looking between them,

"We want money to be quiet." Evy said,

"I'm not giving y'all no money..." Beck said frowning at the both of them,

"Then we are going to call and tell mommy." His lip turned up and he pulled his wallet out of his pocket, he shook his head. This was killing him, they were trying to take all his money,

"Here two dollars -" they cleared their throats. He groaned loudly as they pulled out two fresh five dollar bills. He shook his head as they snatched the two dollars plus the two fives, "y'all better be good. I swear - if you two snitch. It's going to be over for you both," he turn around and ran up the
Steps. Leaving his sisters to watch tv, he went into his room grabbed his keys and phone. His friend, Jarvis text him saying he was out side. He grabbed his bomber jacket and left out of his room. Closing his door as he walked out.

As he made his way down the steps he looked at his sister as they stuck their tongues out at him. He fanned them off and left out of the house. Locking the door behind him. He jogged out to his friends car - what he didn't know. Was someone was watching their house.

Later, at the party he was getting grind on a by a female. He was loving it till his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. He sighed and told the girl to chill for a moment. He looked at the phone to see it was his sister calling him. He answered the call over the loud music,

"Beck!! There's someone pounding on the door and we are scared! Please, come home!" His sisters cried on the phone - he knew his mom was going to kill him now... he was going to be ground for life, even when his mom was going to kill him. He was still going to be grounded... he never be babysitting again.


This book? Chapter?🌜

Comment, babes! What you think? 🌛

Beck? His momma, gone kill him! 🌪

- Chy🐣

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