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Girls I got hot and bothered fighting this shit. 😕 - enjoy, Chy.

Usher: lovers and friends in the mm! 😂💦🐒

Usher: lovers and friends in the mm! 😂💦🐒

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- Beck -

"Hello, Caterina. It's going to be a long night lil mama." Beck, said winking at Caterina when his mom walked off to get a list for Caterina. She eyed him and knew he was up to something. His mom came back and handed her the list,

"Her you go. Amber has asthma, and she needs to take her medicine before bed. Evy, is allergic to peanuts so please, don't give her any candy if it's not on this list?"

"Yes, ma'am." Beck's mom smiled and called Amber and Evy over to her. She gave them a hug and a kiss on the cheek,

"Mommy!" They squeaked making Beck laugh. She walked over to him popping him on the shoulder and giving him a kiss on top of the head. She told her kids bye and walked out of the house.

"Oh, I know it's going to be a long night... but, what do you girls want to do?" Caterina said as slumped down on the stool and blew out a puff of air.

"Uh? We don't know you lady. And the other lady babysitter treated us bad!" Evy said sticking her tongue out a Caterina.

"Well, I'm not like that mean evil lady. Beck, knows me. Right, Beck?" Caterina said looking at him. Beck turned around with his arms over the back of the couch.

"I don't know who you are, you crazy heffa..." he chuckled and turned around. Amber and Evy started to go off,

"All this drama on a Friday night. What a blast..." Caterina said sarcastically, Beck finally got tired of his little sister and got up from the couch. He picked them both up and tossed them over his shoulders.

"Time for y'all bath! Leave the poor girl alone, I know her rugrats." they giggled and stuck their tongues out at Caterina, so Caterina did the same to them. Beck jogged with them up the steps and put them down. he shooed them into their rooms, "You know the drill. get out of your dirty clothes and out on your robes. I'll go draw y'all bath. Y'all can have three toys between the two of you? Understood?" they both nodded,

"Yes, big brother." Beck nodded and left out of their room. He closed the door behind him and went to go get Caterina. She was the babysitter, so she had to clean out their tub. He jogged down the steps with a smirk on his face,

She was just sitting back on the sofa, he was going to run her like speedy Gonzales. When he got to the end up the steps he hopped down and tapped her on the shoulder as he entered the living room, "You have to clean out the tub for the girls to take their bath. It should be on the list..." She looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

The Sexy Babysitter ((Odell Beckham Jr)) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now