P A R T - F I V E ["Jemi and Jolt"]

110 2 4

Sorry I barley update guys! I have a lot stuff I have to do. So yeah again sorry I'll try to update more and make the chapters longer, but no promises. :)
Anyways let DEH fanfic beeegin

(Y/N) tapped her fingers on her desk thinking. A lot of thoughts have come up in her  mind lately. But today was the time for that. Better not think about that. My goal today is to finish this test with a GOOD grade.

"I'm determined to-" She starts but only to quickly put her hand on her mouth. I hope no one heard that!

(Y/N) glares around and then sighs with relief. Thank god no one heard me!

~ A F T E R - T E S T ~

(Y/N) grabs her last few papers and books and starts to head of the classroom. "Have a good day!" The teacher says before she finally steps out of the classroom. "You too.." (Y/N) mumbles. It's finally over!! Jeez that felt like forever!

I just wanna lie down and take a nap right-- oh great I have science next...!!!!!

~ A F T E R - C L A S S - XD ~

(Y/N) walk down the halls. Quiet. Normal considering almost everyone left for the bus. Well except
Her. The one of the few students that either got picked up or just plain walked home.

(Y/N) sighs finally exiting the school. The quietness at the school made her feel creeped out. Like someone was grab her and no one would be there to help. It was not a comforting feeling one bit.

"Hey (Y/N)!" A voice yelled. It was first a quiet yell, but soon got faster as the person got closer to her. "(Y/N) don't ignore me!" The voice said in a annoyed tone. The person, who ever it was, hugged (Y/N) tight. She turned around to see Mo.

(Y/N) looked at Mo examining her. (Y/N) felt kinda stupid finally realizing her wolf ears and tail. For other people it have been weird, but for people at her school it was normal.

Mo stopped hugging (Y/N) and started to walk with (Y/N) "So how did you do?"

(Y/N) formed a frown. "Don't know. I guess I'll know tomorrow."

"Well I hope you did great!"

"Same to you."

I'm sorry but changing the perspective to 2nd person. Gah! I tried to do 3rd person but I kept accidentally doing 2nd person so yup.

Mo smiled her sweat comforting smile. You blushed. You stopped in front of a gas station and looked at Mo. "I'm gonna get a snack. Wanna come?"

She nodded an you both walked into the little store. The place was filled with rows of different snack. You bath grinned and ran across the store eyeing and maybe even grabbing different snacks. You finally finished and walked to the cash register together.

"That will be.." The cash register said pointing to where it said how much the snacks costed together. Both of your eyes widened. How much snacks did we get exactly?

"Um let's just get some ice cream instead!" Mo giggled.


You both got some ice cream with your favorite flavor. You and Mo skipped across the street laughing. What a day!

"Well see ya tomorrow (Y/N)!" Mo said stopping. She hugged you and then start to head into her house.

"Yeah see ya!" You smiled waving goodbye.

You skip down the sidewalk into you finally get to your house. You and Mo's house surprisingly weren't that far apart. You run into your house and throw your backpack on to the floor.

"I'm home mom!" You yell. No reply. You walk into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge.

Dear (Y/N),

Hey (Y/N)! Sorry I'm
not hereI went out
shopping for food.Il
be back soon!
Anways love you!

-Sincerly Mom XOXOX

"Welp, guess I'm eating left overs tonight" you sigh grabbing some left overs from the weekend. You put in the microwave and started to heat it up.

When it was finally done, you grabbed your dinner and headed into your room.

~ T H E - N E X T - D A Y ~

You followed Mo down the hall. She said she wanted you to meet someone. It wasn't long in till she finally stopped. In the distance was a boy and girl.

The girl had light blue hair and blue eyes. Except like other peoples eyes, her eyes were like blue glowing gems. They boy had dark blue hair.

(It nooormal for you to go to school and see robots and people with ears and blue skin XD)

You looked at them for a secound. You looked at Mo with a big smile
"They look so cute together!" You whisper to Mo.

"I know right!" Mo whispers back to you.

You both squeal at each other for a few seconds, but soon stop and look in front of you.

"Oh great, Mo and someone else are Fangirling about us"

Yaaaaay 876 words! ;DDD I TRIED TO MAKE IT LONG AND I DIID YAY! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to update more and make them longer. Anyways baaaaaaaaiii!!!

~Void <3 (^∇^)

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