Learn Korean 59

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Bill :

자동차를 빌리고 싶어요.

[Jadongcha-reul billigo sipeoyo.]

I would like to rent a car.

Information :

어떤 차를 원하세요?

[Eotteon chareul wonhaseyo?]

What kind of car would you like to rent?

Bill :

중형차면 좋겠는데요.

[Jung-hyeongchamyeon jokenneundeyo.]

A medium size passenger car would be great.

Information :

며칠 이용하시겠어요?

[Myeochil iyong-hasigesseoyo?]

How long do you need it?

Bill :



Two days.

Information :

국제 면허 있으세요?

[Gukjje myeonheo isseuseyo?]

Do you have an international license?

Bill :

아니오. 운전사가 필요해요.

[Anio. Unjeonsaga piryohaeyo.]

No. I need a driver.

하루 요금이 얼마예요?

[Haru yogeumi eolmayeyo?]

What is the rental fee for one day?

Information :

기사 포함해서 12만원이에요.

[Gisa pohamhaeseo sibiman wonieyo.]

The fee is 120,000 Won per day with a driver.

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