The nightmare ends...for now

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I then woke up, screaming. As if at that moment I was gonna die. "So I guess it was a nightmare after all..." I said.
I then rubbed my head. My head hurt like crazy. But not as crazy as my legs. They felt...achy. "What was that from?" I asked myself. I then realized it was because of all the running I did. But wasn't it a dream? If I was running in my dream, why do my legs hurt?
I then laid back. My pillow was wet with sweat, and my sheets were all messed up. What the heck happened? I looked outside. It was still dark out. " least it's finally over," I sighed happily. I then closed my eyes, but then woke up with a demonic voice. "Don't be too happy," the voice said. "This was only the beginning. The nightmare has just now begun. So don't feel too safe...."
The room was then turned red as the voice faded away. It then let out a loud evil laugh as it turned deep red. It made me jump high, and I stayed in my sheets covering myself up and shaking. "Hahahahaha, goodnight. Sleep tight. And don't let the bed bugs bite," the voice said.
I didn't want to say that it was fake. Because I couldn't help but notice that before I covered myself up, I saw a small push doll staring at me at the end of my bed...

The Story of Sonic.EXE: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now