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Mind reeling, Ilara hardly noticed when Melody entered the room, took her by the hand, and led her once again through tunnels and caves. She was unaware of where she was going, but she didn't care. The feelings of anger, regret, hate, and a thirst for vengeance filled her so completely that she thought for sure that she would explode into a million pieces. She lusted after a kill like she had never lusted after anything before. The neck of an unrighteous man seemed already beneath her steady fingers, fists clenched in anticipation. Melody glanced at her quickly, but Ilara hardly noticed. Melody thought to herself, her tail movements look so natural, and she's already wanting to kill. The queen must have really used her gift his time. I almost feel bad for her. Suddenly, Ilara stopped and almost frantically asked,

"How do I know who my victim is? How am I supposed to kill them? Will the singing thing really work? Will-" Melody cut her off.

"Your first victim is complicated. You will know them when you see them, but you have to be extremely careful. The first is the craftiest, and will say anything to save himself." She began swimming forward again, and Ilara followed, soaking in every word, drinking it all in as if it was water, and she was dying of thirst. "The traditional way of killing is to drag him down and watch him struggle, that way he sees you and knows, but can't do anything about it. Recently, however, sirens have adopted new methods of killing. One of our newest killed her second man last week by tearing his throat out with her teeth. You did notice your teeth are sharp now, right?" At the mention of this kill, Ilara was surprised when she didn't feel any disgust at the notion of ripping out someone's throat with your own teeth. "Most sirens live alone or in small groups, but some of us stay here to help the new girls, like you. It's both the palace and a revival place for all sirens. We help each other." A sudden thought occurred to Ilara and she nearly grinned. Maybe this is where I belong. This is where I can have a family. "But first, we have to find out when your first kill is going to be near. It is fate that you two meet, and he could come any time." Melody smiled at her and Ilara excitedly said,

"How do we know? I hope it's soon." Ilara clutched her fists tightly and pursed her lips as her eyes gleamed with a hunger for power.

"Come, and I will show you."

Through the doorway sat a large, perfect mirror. It was oval shaped and the border was intricate, the curves and swirls almost hypnotizing. The mirror was from land, that much Ilara could tell. Here she finally saw a full reflection of herself. It was as if she had been perfected, smoothed. Her skin was nearly glowing with health, long hair rippling down her back, tail the hue of moonbeams reflecting the shifting light of the water. She felt beautiful and deadly. A force to be reckoned with.

An old woman, with... legs? The woman appeared before her, with gills on her neck and flowing garments. Her matted gray hair stuck out in all sorts of ways in the water. She smiled, showing off her toothy grin.

"Ah, Melody you've brought me a new one. Finding her first are we?"

"Yes, Gorgoth. She changed not two hours ago and is already swimming! Can you believe it?" Gorgoth cackled.

"Oh, I remember when you were new. All wide-eyed and shaky. She's adjusting quite well." Ilara cleared her throat and Gorgoth's eyes snapped over to her. She looked Ilara up and down and seemed to make a critical note in her head. Then, faster than Ilara would have expected, she moved to the mirror, pressed her face against it gently, and murmured something. The surface of the mirror rippled and Ilara saw a strange man. He was about her age, tall and lean. Not muscular, but not skinny either. His short dark hair was well kept, too well kept. The man turned, almost to her, and Ilara looked upon his face for the first time. He was average looking to anyone else, but to Ilara, it was like she was seeing a god. His slightly bushy eyebrows brooded over his dark grey eyes, and while his expression was grim, she could see the smile lines around his eyes. He had a kind face, but Ilara got the feeling she might be the only one in the world who could see it. Suddenly, he laughed and it was like Ilara was seeing the sun for the first time. Then he pulled out a sword and she realized that he was a pirate. She should have guessed by the ragged clothes and scruffy, almost patchy facial hair, but she was too focused on how beautiful he was to her. She forced herself to tear her vision away and found both Melody and Gorgoth watching her intently. Ilara cleared her throat, certain looking at the man had gone to her head, and as soon as she wasn't looking upon his face, the desire for revenge returned in strong waves.

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