3: Mittens

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I inhale my cigarette one more time before tossing it into the snow and my boots clunk up the concrete steps. I knock on Michael's front door and I hear footsteps running for the door.

Jimmy pulls it open with a big toothy grin. "Hi Uncle T!" His hair is ruffled and curly and his eyes seem bright and cheery.

"Hey Jimmy, where's your dad?"

"He's holding the baby," I step inside after Jimmy with a frown. She's here? "Dad Trevor's here!" I follow Jimmy to the living room where Michael sat holding Alana and he looks up at me.

"Hey T," he says.

"I thought she wasn't coming home for awhile? Staying with her mom?"

"Isabel thought it would be good for me and her to bond a bit, plus she has to work tonight and her parents are out of town for her dads business trip."

"She's back to work a month after having a baby?"

"Well she is nineteen," Michael says and I cringe. Nineteen is a bit young for our age.

I slid in next to Michael on the tan couch and smelt what I thought was grilled cheese from the kitchen. Amanda must be making lunch for her and the kids. "We're still going out, right?" I ask worriedly. I wanted to spend time with Michael as well as plan the next score.

"Yeah, I think Alana can come out with us?" He says as more of a question.

I shrug. "I don't know, you're the one with three kids."

Michael looks up at me with a hesitant look. "Well uh," he begins and scratches his scalp. "I'm not really a part of that."


"Like, taking care of them, yknow?"

I don't push any further, instead saying "are you ready?"

"Yeah," he stands with the baby in his arms. "Her car seat is already in Amanda's car."

"And not in her fathers?" Michael gives me a dirty look and I throw my hands up. "Alright."

Michael and I climb into Amanda's car, and Michael ran back inside to grab the diaper bag he forgot. I locked her into the car seat with a click.

Michael tossed the bag into the back and mumbled "sorry, I forgot" and started the car, pulling out of the driveway. The snow crunched under the tired as we drove away.

We made small talk, mostly Michael talking all about his baby and everything she does, which is mostly sleep and eat.

Inside the restaurant, we found Brad and Lester sitting across from each other a table with two cups in front of them.

"Bout time you got here," Lester says with an aggravated tone.

Michael and I sat down across from each other, me next to Brad and Michael next to Lester. The waitress asked Michael if he wanted a sling for Alana, but he rejected it saying he'd just hold her.

"She really is adorable." The waitress, name tag saying Ashley, pouts her lip and watches Alana sleep with puppy dog eyes.

Michael took off her big purple winter jacket and stuffed it in the diaper bag. "What's her middle name?" Lester asks.

"Isabel chose Britney. I don't care for it." Michael says while looking longingly at Alana, who was still asleep in her chair.

I notice she is still wearing a pair of purple mittens. "Why is she wearing mittens?" I ask. "We're inside." It was quite warm in here.

"She keeps scratching herself. See the pink lines on her face?" Michael points to her big cheeks. I smirk to myself, thinking how adorable that is.

"Yeah, I see em."

"Cute,"  Brad interrupts. "But why did you bring the strippers baby to our fucking meeting."

"Don't talk about her like that!" Michael nearly yells. "She's my fucking daughter and you're not gonna trash either of them."

Brad puts his hands up sarcastically. "Whatever man, we need to come up with a new score."

The waitress sets our drinks down and grabs her notepad from her pocket to take our order.

Lester, Brad and I all spouted out ideas for possible scores while eating our cheap breakfast food.

"A uh, whatever they're called trucks that carry money. We could do that. Get sticky bombs, blow the doors off." I look at Michael and he is in his own world with his daughter, watching her in awe. "Michael are you listening?"

He looks up and nods. "Yeah," he mumbles.

"Don't you fucking go soft on me." I frown at him. I didn't want him to leave me alone with scores. Michael and Brad are my only friends and losing one would make me very, very angry.

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