Chapter 1: Fuck With You

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"Ticket please," the tall man standing at the entrance of the Apple Store said as I walked through the door. I handed him my ticket and he waved me through. The store was filled with his merchandise. There was t-shirts, autographed pictures, iPhone cases, and more. The store was packed with people, probably about 100 people and there was even more in the theater.

I followed the crowd into the theater. It was a shame I had to come by myself, but none of my friends understood my passion for his music. I needed G-Eazy's music in my life. It helped me through a lot and I was finally going to meet him.

We all took our seats that were assigned to us by our tickets and soon a man arrived on stage. I'm not sure of his name because I'm not usually into this kind of thing, but I see it as an opportunity to get to know him better.

"Everyone please welcome, the one and only, G-Eazy!," the man announced looking toward side stage awaiting Gerald's arrival. After a few moments of clapping and no sign of Gerald, the man continued, "Young Gerald, any day now."

Gerald rushed on the stage with lip stick stains on his checks and his hair messier than usual, but still sexy as always. "Sorry, I was umm... preoccupied."

"I think we all know what that means. Was she blonde or brunette?"

"A gorgeous red-head, actually."

"Your girlfriend?," the man asked taking a seat on one of the seats set out on the stage. Gerald took the other and took a sip from the glass of water that lie on the table in between the chairs.

"Nah, she's just a groupie like all the rest." I watched as the red-head, who was blushing uncontrollably, now held a face full of anger and disappointment.

I had to laugh to myself at her expression. Everyone knows G-Eazy is just a fuckboi with talent. He has amazing talent, but I think sometimes he abuses it.

"Oh okay. I see what you mean. We met here awhile back at the last Apple Store interview and we'd like to do a bit of a catch up on everything you've been doing.

After the man talked to Gerald for awhile, it was finally time for questions. I raised my hand, but a few people were chosen before me.

"How about the young lady in the middle of the left side," Gerald said as he smirked at me.

"Hi, my name is Analiese and I just wanted to ask you about the song 'Me, Myself and I'," I said when the woman with the microphone came up to me.

"Okay, shoot," Gerald responded.

"Do you truly feel trapped by your fame?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean I love the music and all but sometimes ya just need a day at home."

^ ^ ^

After the interview was over, girls swarmed over G-Eazy. He was like a bright light and they were moths. I watched him as he wrote his signature across their boobs and their asses. "There you go babe," he said as he finished signing the last girls butt. He caught me staring at me and our eyes locked. It felt like hours but it was only a few moments. He smiled at me and continued talking to the girls.

We were standing out in the lobby of the store, where all the merchandise was located. I picked up a cute tee that had the words 'G-Eazy is her favorite rapper' written on it.

"I bet I am your favorite rapper," I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned as fast as I could to see Gerald standing above me. He was tall, very tall, but that is okay because I'm kind of tall, too. I'm taller than all my friends and most of the guys on this planet, but he was perfect.

"Well, I wouldn't say my favorite, but I guess you're in the top 10," I said, trying to play it cool.

"If I'm not your favorite rapper, than why would you buy a shirt that says I am."

"Maybe I'm getting it for a friend, who is sick in bed and now you've just offended her. What will she think. You've crushed her dreams."

"I don't care what your imaginary friend that you just made up thinks of me. I care more about what you think of me." At first, I didn't think I heard him right. Did he just say he cared if I like him or not?

"Oh? And why would you care about that?"

"I saw you looking at me and I think you're kinda hot."

This man was more than I could handle. I decided to play it off that I wasn't interested. "Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not interested in whatever sick idea you have in your pretty little head right now."

"Oh, come on babe. Just one night." I set the shirt back on the rack it came from and walked past him with the intention of leaving the store. I was a fan not a groupie. I like his music and I came to learn about his music not to hook up with him. Okay, maybe I came to find out more about him, but that was simply educational information. "Come on. I know you wanna fuck with me."

"I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested in hooking up with you."

"Okay, then," he paused for a moment as if he wasn't sure about what he was about to propose. "Then just come to my hotel and chill out. We can just eat and chill or something. You seem like the type to know a thing or two about music."

"I'm a model, but I played piano in high school."

"See, you know something about music. Maybe you can help me with my new song."

"Okay, fine," I said finally giving in to his wishes. We left in his limo and arrived at the hotel he was staying in in a matter of minutes.

"We're here," the driver said as he opened the door for Gerald and I.

We approached the desk in the lobby and the man sitting behind the desk immediately sat up straight when he was Gerald. "G-Eazy, how can I help you?"

"I think I left my room key in the room, can I just get another one?"

"Sure, no problem," the man said handing him the spare room key. "Try not to be to loud tonight, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, it's not like that. We're just working on some music stuff," I said immediately understanding what the man was talking about.

"That's what they all say."

^ ^ ^

The entire way to the room, all I was thinking about was what the desk clerk said. Did Gerald take girls to his room often to 'work on music' and then convince them to sleep with him? If that is the case, I'm not letting it happen again.

Gerald opened the room door with the new key and we entered into this glorious room. I have never been in a room so beautiful.

I decided just to ask Gerald straight up what the clerk was talking about. "Umm... Gerald?"

"Yeah?," he said as he grabbed two bottles of vodka out of the fridge and handed me one.

"What was the man at the front desk talking about?" I opened the bottle and downed a good portion of it.

"Oh... He didn't mean anything by it. He was probably just guessing that was code or something."

So I guess I have nothing to worry about then. He wasn't like gonna rape me or anything, I hope.

We talked for awhile about music and by the time we finished, I had downed the entire bottle and was almost completely wasted. I tried to get up and grab another bottle but tripped and fell into the small kitchen countertop. I heard Gerald rush over until he was standing behind me, pushing me more into the counter with his body. I could feel his boner against my back.

"Fuck me...," I moaned slowly.

* * *

A/N: I don't know if I want to do smut in this book but if you want it, just leave a comment and I'll put it in the next chapter.

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