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"You see ponies," she guessed.

I actually see the struggles of poverty.

"Yeah," I agreed. I placed the paper with the ink blot on the table and chose another soiled sheet from the stack I had next to me.
"What about this one, how do you think I would interpret this picture?"

"I think you would see a... rainbow," Maya answered.

What the hell is wrong with these people and rainbows?

She took a sip of her cocoa and I decided to put our little experiment on hiatus for the time being. We were at Topanga's trying our best to complete my fathers assignment.
I got up from my usual seat beside the entrance to the chair with the coffee table in front of it.

"So did you find out what was up with Farkle yesterday?"

I shrugged and shook my head. I didn't say anything after that and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. I smirked at her discomfort and continued my little game to see how poorly she would react to my lack of interaction.

"Hey," Lucas greeted interrupting my game. I saw Maya sigh a breath of relief as he sat next to me and I tried my hardest to stifle my snickers with a cough.

I nodded my greeting and scooted closer to him. He smiled at me before placing his arm on the chair behind me.

"Hey Smackle," I greeted as soon as her foot stepped through the door.

"Greetings friend Riley," she answered sitting next to Maya. Lucas gave her a curt nod and Maya smiled at her.
I raised my eyebrow when I saw a gentle smile grace her lips and before I could ask a panting Farkle bursted through the door.


His head immediately turned to Smackle and he glared.

That's unusual

Walking toward her he tried his best to settle his breathing. She gave him an understanding look before standing up.
"We're leaving," he stated as he exited the cafe behind Smackle.

Once they left all eyes were on me.

Maya took a sharp breath before speaking. "What was that?"

I shrugged before reaching for her cocoa.

"That was definitely strange," Lucas mumbled staring at the door.

I hummed in agreement before taking a sip of the beverage in my hand.

"And the best average in class goes to Smackle," Father stated from behind his register.

That explains it

I turned around in my seat for what must have been the hundredth time and shook my head at the empty chair that stared back at me.

Where is she

The bell rang and soon enough there was a crowd at the door to leave class.

"I'm worried,"

I glanced at Maya before taking up my things. "Don't be," I smiled.


"Riley, Maya," she greeted us as we entered.

Maya did a double take when she saw Smackle perched on my window sill  with her legs crossed.

"Hey," I replied easily taking my seat on my bed. Maya stared at her skeptically before sitting at the edge of my bed next to me.

"Hey Smackle," she greeted.

Smackle gave her a small wave before looking out my window. She does that when she needs to think.
She then took her phone out and read a text. "I'll see you guys later okay," she mumbled before climbing out of the window. Mayas head immediately shot in my direction. At that time I was already pulling out some books to get my home work done. She stared at me for a moment and opened her mouth to say something, but closed it before she could.
After some time up stairs we went down for dinner. At the end Maya left with a short "see yah" before letting herself out.

I helped mom clear the dishes and told everyone good night before heading back upstairs and reentering my room.

I locked the door behind me and grabbed a sweater from closet.

It was going to be chilli out tonight.

Girl meets PerceptionWhere stories live. Discover now