Chapter 12

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Edward drew a picture on the paper in front of him at the kitchen table with Riza behind him making something for dinner. He was humming happily and Riza smiled while she was cooking, happy to know that Edward was happy.


Riza turned as Edward held out a picture to her and she smiled grabbing it. Her smile faded for a second but came back when she looked at Edward. She put the stove on low and bent down to him.

"Can you tell me who these people are?"

"That's me!" he said, pointing to the small blond haired boy on the paper. "And that's you." He said, pointing to the tall blond person in blue. "See? We're holding hands."

"I see... and what is this?" she asked, pointing to a purposefully colored black speck way off in the distance.

Edward stared at it for a second and frowned.

"I dunno."

Riza could tell he was trying to figure it out when she pointed to the picture of him.

"What's this?"

Edward smiled and pointed.

"Those are arms."

"I see that but who do they belong to?"

Edward frowned and stepped back, looking at her.

"They... they protect me... I-"




"No! No, no, no! Stop it!" Edward yelled, hitting his head frantically.

"Edward, what's wrong?"

"It keeps calling me..."


"Roy will save me like he always does! He'll turn you into ashes and kick your ass while he's at it. Hell, he may even kick your ass while you're ash so that no one will find you. You're in for it, I'm telling ya."

"Roy? As in Roy Mustang in the Amestris army?"

"Yeah, I'm sure you've heard of him."

"Can't believe we didn't recognize you all this time. You're that little alchemy boy that he took under him. You look a lot different than what we imagined."

"It's not my fault I'm like this. Roy will put me back to normal."

"Well you know what? I'm glad you said something because I remember seeing that guy sneaking around."


"Yeah, I think Byles saw some activity over there by that tree. We've been acting like we can't see him..."

Edward went to check out the tree but was punched solidly in the gut when he got there, making him lose the air in his lungs. He doubled over and felt another kick in the stomach.

"Roy! Help! Please... Please... I need you..."

The men laughed as another one came over and began to kick him as well.

"He's abandoned you, kid. No one cares about you. No one's going to come!"

"You're wrong! He'll save me! He knows I'm missing and will come and find me! YOU'RE WRONG!"

Be strong, Brother... Don't break... Remember what you told me that soldiers used to do?

"That doesn't work here." Edward mumbled, his eyes shut to tight he thought his eyelids would tear.

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