Chapter 13

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A/N: there is some mind screwing down there. just take it slow because it makes sense it's just... very complicated


Roy knocked on the door of Riza's apartment and she opened the door. She smiled and let him in as he took off his coat and put it on the hook.

"Can you show me the drawing he did? I wanted to take it to Copplestone and see if maybe he could see something that we don't."

Riza grabbed the picture and showed it to him. Roy made a face and pointed at the arms that were hovering over Ed's portrait.

"What's this?"

"That's where I lost him. He kept saying 'they protect me'."

"The numbers he spouted, did you write them down?"

"Yeah... When he fell asleep he kept repeating them. Here..."

She handed him the piece of paper with the numbers on it and Roy made a face.

"It says 'live' and 'Al is gone'." Riza gasped and Roy sighed. "This is becoming very, very complicated."

"Agreed... What do we do? If what you say is true, then I guess his subconscious knows that Al is gone and that he even existed. Do you think we should have another flashcard session with Copplestone that includes these things?"

"I don't know. I don't want to shatter him completely. He's broken and cracked but we can put him back together if we do it right. If we shatter his spirit completely then we may lose his whole being."

Riza smiled, happy to find Roy actually thinking ahead instead of just bulldozing forward just so Edward would remember them."

"Well, we can't do anything now. You're welcome to eat stew with us."

"No thanks, I should-"

The sound of Roy's protesting stomach made him blush in embarrassment and he cleared his throat a little.


"Come eat with us, Colonel." Riza said with a small smile.

He nodded and Riza pointed to her room.

"Ed's napping if you want to let him know that the food is ready, then we'll eat."

Roy nodded and went to Riza's room.


Roy opened the door and saw Edward's tiny face snuggled under the covers. He seemed content for the moment and wasn't spouting off number, which was good. Roy hated to wake him but he needed to eat.

"Edward? Edward, wake up."

Edward stirred and sat up, looking at him. His eyes widened for a moment.


Roy's heart leapt for a second as he watched Edward's eyes suddenly go downcast and he looked away, saddened.

"Oh, Colonel..."

Roy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and took on his role as Colonel, the nice black haired man.

"Riza said that the stew was done... Were you dreaming about Roy?"

Edward's face lit up. "Yeah! He saved me from the bad people and took me home."

"I see..."

Edward narrowed his eyes a little and reached out to touch Roy's face.

"Colonel, your face looks like Roy's."

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