The Beginning of the End

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Sooooo The Walking Dead is probably one of my favorite shows.  Since it comes back on in a while and I finally finished Deception, I feel like it's only right to make my own story with a main character who's not white or male.  To be honest, this is something I came up with on impulse so I don't know how long I'll keep this up for.  We'll have to see how this book does first.

The girl in the picture is who I imagine Maya as, just with dreads.

Today's events played over in my head like a song caught on repeat.

My day began as any other; with me staring at the floor for about thirty minutes while contemplating if my education was really worth the loss of my sleep.  I eventually decided that I wasn't working two jobs and living with a roommate for the rest of my life and got off my ass.  I tied my dreads into a sloppy bun before heading to the bathroom to do my usual routine of cleaning myself and managing to look only half decent.

I threw on a white v-neck, light washed distressed jeans, and brown combat boots with a black oversized, knitted cardigan to protect me from the light breeze courtesy of a late October in Louisiana.  I grabbed my keys off my cherry wood dresser before leaving my room.  

"Late morning, Maya?"  Drew, my roommate teased from behind the kitchen counter.  His blonde hair was wrapped in a bun.  A scruffy beard surrounded his colgate worthy smile.

I playfully rolled my eyes.  "That's what it seems like.  For the life of me I can't figure out why I couldn't sleep last night,"  I placed my index finger on my chin as if I was thinking hard.  "Oh wait, I remember!  I think it had something to do with all of that damn squeaking the bed and your girl were doing."  

Drew laughed heartily at my quip.  "What's so funny?"  Mariposa, his stunning girlfriend, waltzed in.  Her long brunette hair bounced and her flushed, olive toned skin told of last night's dirty not-so-secrets.  

"Oh nothing,"  I sang before rushing to the door.  "I'll see you lovely people later."

When I got inside my beat up Impala and started the engine, the radio cut on as well.  "In a string of outbreak cases, Louisiana has now been added to the list.  It has been confirmed that the rapidly spreading Zika virus has made it to us, making us state number forty-eight to be effected.  The CDC and government officials claim that they have everything under control, but it sure doesn't seem like it.  What you think, Kutty?"

I reached plugged the auxiliary cord to my phone and immediately cut off the radio.  "That's enough fear mongering for the day."  I had definitely been thoroughly scared.  The news of the Zika virus spread almost as fast as the disease itself.  It's only been six months since the first case in Australia.  The general public was beginning to freak, especially with their being no developed cure or immunization.

I shook off the chill that had my hairs sticking up and continued on my thirty minute trip to LSU.  Traffic was peculiarly heavy this morning, even for a Wednesday.  Horns and drivers shouting obscenities to one another could be heard.  "What the hell?"  I mumbled upon seeing police attempting to redirect traffic away from a new roadblock.  

I could make out an open ambulance among the abundant police cars and curious pedestrians.  I, too, was curious as to what could possibly be the cause for this much chaotic disorder, but I had an exam to pass so I minded my business and followed the officer's orders and rerouted.  

Kehlani's song Crzy was interrupted by my email notification  and a text message from the University.  Simultaneously watching the road I opened the message, reading it fully as I pulled up to a stoplight.  

LSU students, we are sorry for the inconvenience, but due to concerns surrounding the Zika virus there will be no class or student services.  We will be closed until further notice.

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