Chapter 1

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A fan fiction of Sonic Unleashed.

Were-Sonamy (Revised)

There was a silent, lonely atmosphere in the city where a young, pink Hedgehog walked the streets. It was awfully cold as she wore her pink jacket with a matching scarf to go with it.

"Gosh, it's cold."

She said as she walked down a narrow alley way to her hotel. "Why am I always in these messes? Wait... I remember..." she lifted her head to see where she was, still shivering.

She then thought about how a orange Fox had told her and a red echidna about how Sonic had suddenly run off without a trace, but that his safety tracker locked onto him somewhere around here before it shut off.

So, here she was.

The hedgehog walked down the alley in a kind of worrying manner for she wanted to find her friend who she loved from the very first day she met him...

A surreal scene of that fateful day played in her mind... as she saw a blue boy turn around to see her, and in her hand she held the fortune from the tarot cards that had led her here...

"Oh, Sonic," she began, "where are you?"

Then, out of the blew, she heard a loud metallic noise behind her.

She quickly summoned her hammer and was ready for whatever was there. "Hello?

Something fell behind her.

She turned and saw a rather normal looking Eggman robot staring back at her. Still humongous in size compared to her, she was used to random encounters with these bots, and only flinched out of surprise at the sudden noise and shock of it all. With a robotic voice, the robot began to confirm something,...


Then another voice was heard, it was a old man's voice with anger and frustration. "DESTROY THE GIRL AND GET ME SONIC!" The voice rang from the robot as it began to move it's robotic arm up and show Amy it's guns.

"AFFIRMATIVE." Right before it was going to fire, Amy had hit it's arm up and rammed it in it's chest, making it wobble a bit back and try to regain it's balance from the direct blow. She then took off and ran out of the alley to a open street.

The robot followed as more then came.

"Huh?" Amy looked back to see more of Eggman's creations launching through the air towards her. Some even landed and had wheels, almost like skates on their feet, propelling them forward as they skid and swerved to catch up with her.

"Oh, come on! I just want to go home!" As she ran passed corners looking for a place to hide, the robots began to advance towards her. Amy was fast, with all her tiring chases to get Sonic, but even that wasn't fast enough to escape robots with jet packs!

As they grew closer Amy couldn't take it anymore, she grew tried and yelled to the top of her lungs. "HELP!"

In a forest, not to far from the city, a Beast lay in a pleasant sleep. Possibly dreaming about something, when it heard, with his sharp ears, a familiar cry for help.

With a flick of the ear, he slowly lifted his huge, furry head. Covered in shadows, a faint dark blue passed by with the look of moonlight from shaking trees in the wind. He jumped up and ran towards the city on all fours, letting out a grunt as he propelled himself forward with two large, bulky arms. Stretchy for some reason, they helped him maneuver over buildings, pausing only to listen for another yelp of fright and cry for assistance.

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