Chapter 4

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Were Sonamy story Ch.4

A fan story of Were-Sonic and Amy Rose from the game: Sonic Unleashed!

As Amy collided with the blue hedgehog she was so happy she rubbed her fur with his and closed her eyes in great delight!

She finally found him!

After searching for so long!

He was here, he was there! She wasn't going to let him out of her sights ever again!

She had left her scarf and coat back at the hotel, and now that it was so warm at night here in Spagonia that Amy didn't really need it anymore.

"Aww, Sonic!" she squealed in complete and utter ecstasy! In her mind she had pictured him with over thrilled eyes and a slight blush that he would just NEVER let her see.

This made her happy as she imagined the perfect midnight sky and the stars shinning all around them, as if fate itself had led their two hearts there. 'It's him! Finally! And this is the perfect place for a date too! It's destiny!' she thought to herself.

"I've been looking for you forEVER!" she really meant those words too. After she woke up from that last crazy dream, she went half way around the broken world looking for him.

Tails wouldn't tell her no matter how hard she tried why he wouldn't let her know where Sonic was, so she determined that she'd have to find Sonic herself!

Sonic began to panic a little, 'does she remember?' he thought.

He tried to wiggle out of Amy's killer death hug, but as Amy began to rub her fur with his, he felt something kinda tingle in him.

"H-hey, lemme go." was all he could say.

'Was that powder stuff not effective on creatures besides Chip? No, that can't be. If it worked on Chip, then it had to work on Amy...' he thought hastily as this was happening so fast, but he was used to that.

One minute he's fighting bad guys and tracking down Eggman while putting the world back together, and the next minute he finds out Amy might still think he's that beast that helped her out before! Now what to do...

"Heh heh. Your CRAZY if you think you can get away from..." she noticed that something wasn't right. 'Was sonic always this tall? And big? And...fluffy?'

Chip looked at this strange moment a little confused. He wondered, as he moved side to side, if he should step in and help or leave this to Sonic.

"...Amy Rose and..." she now noticed that this was different.

Even his fur was a little more matted and thick...

"...Ummm..."she opened her eyes and glanced up then.

'Does she remember?... Is it really that bad if she did?... or will this time she'll see it's the real Sonic she's been looking for... except... she'll be scared of me.' He looked down at her.

'... Will she?' he stared into her green emerald eyes, it surprised him that he was actually hopping, somewhere way down deep inside, that she would remember or noticed him. Would she accept that this change wouldn't last long..? Or even... that she wouldn't, by some miracle, be scared by his drastic change of appearance?

Appearance was everything to Sonic, and his raced sank just thinking about her not accepting that it was really him,... if she really did remember.

Amy looked into the deep blue eyes that showed surprise and wonder, and maybe.. something more.. hope?

She stared at him with curiosity and then shock, "who are you?" she stepping back, surprised, and hands up as if she shouldn't be touching him.

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