Chapter 3

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Were-Sonamy Ch. 3

A fan story of Sonic Unleashed with some Sonamy

*NOTE* I wrote this before the real deal came out, so I made adjustments to fit the game better : ) This was a long time ago, after all!

As the two began to get sleepy, both their eyes getting drowsy, the large Beast laid back down in the same spot he had just got up from to save Amy from falling from the tree.

For you see, it was clearly his spot, having been prepared there beforehand. A big, squished, pile of grass he left when having first laid there, was easily identifiable. As he crawled back with his tired limbs to it, Amy's head fell back, and hit the ground. Blinking her eyes open and shooting her head up, half-way into dream land already, stepping her foot out on that shining road, she patted the ground to try and find her big, fluffy pillow again.

Seeing in the darkness a body of shadows flop down on a nearby spot, and huffing, she lazily stretched out a hand, and forced herself to roll over. In a matter of long stretched out hands forcing her to crawl to his side, she finally was able to get next to him.

He grumbled a little so Amy moved herself to where her back was against his right shoulder, again. She smacked her lips, yawned, and wiggled back into place, laying herself on her side near his shoulder's crease in, and smiling at the warmth it gave her.

A big heart could be heard thumping within, and she loved the pace at which it beat.

The beast looked up in displeasure at first, then shrugged it off as his large head let out a mighty yawn, almost like a lion's silent muted roar, and also shook his head after smacking his lips. His eyes lingered slightly awake, not used to having someone like her sleep by his side, but drifting off into sleep... lowering his head... until...

"Sonic! Sonic! How dare you leave me in a haunted house and mistake me as-! ...hey, who's this?"

The two jolted awake.

A little flying creature came and hovered over Amy looking her up and down. "She's kind of cute! I can see why you forgot all about me! Must be a friend, huh, Sonic? Want some chocolate?"

'Oh no!' thought Sonic as he saw Chip flying around Amy, having given her his name!

Amy looked to the creature confused. "Sonic?" She blinked her eyes and furrowed her brow, not sure what to make of that.

Sonic quickly grabbed Chip from out of the air, and dashed off.

"H-hey! Where are you going!?" She quickly got up and tried to race after them, but his stretchy arms sling-shotted him at lightning speeds.

She slowed to a jog, before getting downhearted and seeing there was no way to catch up to him.

"Aw man... not again... Why does this always happen to me!?" she cried out, upset that she was never able to keep someone around her, but was always...

Left alone in the dark...

The moon was still up high in the dark blue night sky, as Sonic ran to a river near where they were and let Chip go.

Chip gasped for air, for Sonic's large claws had cut his air circulation.

He finally spoke once he got some air flowing back through his lungs, "what's the big deal? Is she allergic to chocolate or something? Geez,.. that would be horrible..." his face turned grave as he put one tiny hand on the side of his cheek, and the other up near his neck.

Sonic shook his head, and in his new deep voice growled, "She can't know about this, about..." he looked himself over and growled in disgust. "She'd hate it, or most likely be terrified of me."

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