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Sam and Dean returned to Cecil's office.
"Well, this place is crazy enough so we might as well let you in on our crazy which must seem tame to you people. We're hunters. We find and kill monsters, y'know, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons. Stuff like that." Dean said. Cecil gasped.
"That unbelievable! I didn't think those things existed!" He said. Sam and Dean cast quizzical glances at each other.
"This place is seriously messed up." Dean said.
"Oh, no, I assure you it's not. I-" something buzzed, "oh, I'm on the air!" Cecil said and sat down at the desk and leaned over his microphone.

"Ladies and gentleman, here I have with me, as I speak, the two owners of the Chevy Impala- Sam and Dean who are in reality not dangerous villains but kind hearted Hunters who save people from vampires and werewolves. Hey, why don't we try and get an interview? Sam, Dean?" Cecil looked at them, eyes shining. Sam couldn't say no to that face so he sat down therefore so did Dean.
"tell me, you two, what drew you to our wonderful little town?" Cecil asked and pushed the mic over to them.
"well," Sam started, "we, uh, we saw an article in a newspaper of 6 interns deaths and thought it was, well, fishy."
"Fishy, I see. Well, that is quite interesting. We have lost tourism ever since...well...I'm not sure which even caused it but we must not speak of it. Now, what have you-" An intern came to the door.
"Cecil, miss Josie claims there's an angel looking for these two, Sam and Dean." The intern said.
"Is he wearing a trench coat?" Dean asked.
"How did you know?" The intern asked. Sam and Dean stood up and bolted out of the studio.
"Hey, wait- uh, my apologies, listeners. It seems the hunters had to take care of some business. There appears to be an angel looking for them, but we all know that angels do not exist. Why don't we move onto the weather?" Cecil said then pressed a button then stood up. He followed the Winchesters out.
"Hey, I'm coming with you." Cecil said.
"Um, no you're not." Dean said.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind and Cecil's bangs were blown out of his face, revealing a third eye on his forehead.
"Yes. I am." Cecil stated.
"...where's this Josie lady?" Dean asked.
"Ah, follow me." Cecil said and started walking. Reluctantly, the boys followed.

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