Part 1: going to Ouran

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3rd person pov

"WHAT!" was scream the trio made in the president office, while the president covered his ears "am sorry but we need you Philippines to go to Ouran" Arthur said "BUT WHY ME?" Gabriela (aka Philippines) said "yeah why her and not you?" Maya (aka Malaysia) said to the British man

"Well Miss Maria here broke some rules special the proper wear rule, and did some pranking also she's having many free time so being to Ouran will just be temporary until we solve the curiosity of this school" Arthur explain and was holding a sheet of paper "what i have here a paper you just need to fill it up and go to Ouran, you can be a boy if you like, and YOU.WILL.NOT.MISS.A.MEETING.I assure you"

"Wait wait wait, SO MY PEARLAS IS GOING TO KNOW WHERE--" "Ouran" " what ever WITHOUT SOMEONE COMPANYING HER" Ranta said (aka Indonesia) " miss Indonesia Philippines will be safe, she's a nation after all" Arthur said

"Yes but what if someone did try to kill her, is it weird that she's not dying like normal humans" Maya ask, which lead to the British man to think and murmur "it will increase more of curiosity if that happen huh?"

"OK then you two will accompany her to this school called Ouran but as a boy" Arthur said "ow you apartments and uniform is well taken care off except your school money"

The three thought of a minute "OK I ACCEPT" Ranta suddenly said which lead the two girls in shock "but ate it my punishment i should take care of this" Gabriela said trying to not let her sister involve "NO WAY IF YOUR NOT IN MY SIGHT I GET WORRIED"Ranta said as she hug her two sister "and your joining right Maya?" Looking at her sister "Hmph, fine i join" Maya said,

"Very well then here your forum, ow and Maya you can be a girl if you like?"Arthur said as he smile at her remembering him taking care of her and teaching her to be lady like

"So you think i can't be tough huh?" Maya said while then checking the boy in the gender section "well then let's see about that"

The trio field out the form, and gave it to Arthur "ow i forgot one thing, that you must need to report the day you have every weekend got me?"

The trio nod and left the office and proceed to their meeting place and was about to tell the other guys

"WHAT!" A scream was in the meeting room or club room "YOU THREE ARE TRANSFERRING ANOTHER SCHOOL!" Singapore yell the trio nod "unfortunately yes we have too b-but we'll be back after the problem is resolve" Ranta explain to calm Singapore down

"No what about the meetings, we need to do them" he said "well we can do them while were at school Sir Eyebrows said so"Maya said her arm cross

"Are you ok with that Gabriella?" Brunei ask, "well.."The filipina begun to scratch her hair "am ok about transferring school though i will miss you guys"

"So when would you three leave?" Cambodia ask, the trio look at each other and nod


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