Part 6: which type of host are we

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[host club room]
" AHHHH!" Squeals were heard echoing the host club room, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY JOIN" "I KNOW!""NEW HOST!!" were all the scream of all the girls in the room 

their been news that the transfers join the host club all of the girls are now trill to request them while he boys just simply praying that those three can be alive at the girls fan girl mode,the host was shock but it when Tamaki said that they were joining 

the some of the host and the trio receive some..tension, awkwardness ,and sometimes glaring sometimes Tamaki make them be comfortable to each other but it not that effective 

"it almost a week since you guy are in here"Tamaki said,which tense the trio and give them a hard hit well only Diego and Rama who look pale and scared "are you ok?"

Ahmad sigh and put down his tea "i already done it" which cause the two a sigh of relief "i thought were goners" Diego murmurs "and as thanks you must kiss each other" 

"WHHHAA--"were all the scream in the host club room, Ahmad who was trying to not smirk nor a chuckle 'serve you right'

"c-can we just have another thanks than that" Rama said not really wanting to do it, he turn to Diego "y-you don't want t-that right?"

Diego who seem to be in too deep thinking "Dieg--" before Rama can say a word he felt a soft pair lips in his forehead Rama eyes widen a bit " is my bro getting bad thoughts?" he said mischievous found in his tone the squeal gone wild 

"their stealing our act" the twins said as the watch their clients swoon over their act than them " boos why do you-" Hikaru started "even let them join?" Kaoru finish " reasons" their boss Tamaki said sipping is tea 'this tea it smell calming somehow' 

he look at his tea and saw a white flower, he smelt it again "why are you smelling your tea Tamaki-senpai?"Haruhi ask she is not fond with the idea that those trio join the club "the smell...who made this?" he ask "ow it Diego who made it why?"Haruhi replied 

"guys smell this" he said as he put the cup in to middle of the table and let them smell it " it smell calming" Honey senpai said smelling more of it  

"ow their my flower" a voice behind them was hear it was none other than Diego "ay ay"he sigh as he look at the tea "anak nang pitaklong it fall down in your tea tamaki-senpai am sorry i'll go mak-"

before he can utter a word Honey tug Diego shirt "ano um what the name of the flower?" Honey ask him while Diego chuckle and kneel to get the same level of Honey-senpai and lightly pat his head 

"it's sam-pa-gui-ta"he said as Honey tried to say it "it's a flower that smell very sweet and a national flower of my country" he explain and went to the kitchen t make more tea for the guest and a new one for Tamaki

"Diego can i have a cigarette?" Rama said as his guest got worried about him "um Rama-kun why do you smoke?" "it might take a life out of you" "DON'T DIE PLEASE" the clients of Rama got worried about him and his health ' isn't dying a bit to much wait if i die then no more pro--'

"would you stop thinking about killing your self it wouldn't help you know"Ahmad said as he glare at his brother, his stare was deadly and oddly familiar too kinda like --

"excuse me but what type are this new members?" a girl said as she point at the trio 

the host got to deep thinking "maybe Diego should be the gentle type Rama would be the bad boy type and Ahmad would be a nerdy type"Tamaki suggested the host think a bit it's kinda bit suited for them 

"Diego can be some what hurtful with his straight"Ahmad said as he sip his tea "Rama being a bad boy. tsk. don't make me laugh"

"Ahmad is rarely nerdy but still look like it"Diego said as he serve the tea to the guest 

"i guess were not fitted to be that type"Rama said as he entertain some of the guest 

"how about Diego the butler type,Rama the funny type and Ahmad the serious type"Tamaki said again trying to find approval at the three new host, the trio just stare at him if he just broke his head 



"isn't this stalking?" Haruhi said as the host was hiding behind a bush. Tamaki convince the host that they should observe the trio in break so they can name their type "and way taking it far?"

"no Haruhi daddy must find their type and let them approve it" Tamaki said filled with determination in his eyes 

"why are you so" Hikaru said "over exited about it" Karou continue "boss?" the both finish as they look at Tamaki with curious thought blur in their head Tamaki sigh and look at all the nation with full seriousness I REPEANT FULL SERIOUSNESS

"I vow to keep it a secret but..when the others were unconscious the trio went up and heal all of you they could just make some basic but they made a medicine that made you regain faster and heal all your wounds"Tamaki said as the host look so surprise at it "not only that but they seem that they did it before cause they look so skill at it"

the host seem to be quiet about what Tamaki said "if it's true then would Haruhi and Kyoka see it too?" the twins said and grab Haruhi

"well after the talk i needed time to get some air so went home"she said the host look to kyoka who were just typing away sitting on the grass "how about you Kyoka-senpai?"

"i was having a conversation with Mr.Kirkland at the time"he said not looking away from his pineapple laptop

"what are you talking about?"Tamaki ask as Kyoka suddenly stop typing and close it the host where shock and surprise at Kyoka movement 

"i was vow to keep it a secret" he said as he remember the exact words

'Am counting on you sir make it disappear' a familiar British accent said    

they heard a loud squeal and three familiar voice scream


'let the observation begin'


more chap is coming and if you want to show ur Oc like as a guest here feel free too



class ((or job)):


or maybe past:

that would be all 


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