Conquering The Kitty

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Chapter 8; Conquering the Kitty

"It's just that easy to fall for you Ichigo."

"Grimmjo-" Ichigo's mouth is suddenly covered by Grimmjow's. The warm wet rush of lips blanketing his takes him off guard. He squirms moving his head to the right only to feel a strong hand wrapping around his jaw turning his face to the blue-haired man hovering above him. Then a wide tongue presses at the center of his tightly shut lips.

"Mmm." Grimmjow licks around Ichigo's denying torturous mouth. He won't stop or move away until his goldfish opens up to him. He wants to prove to Ichigo that he is serious. That he does want to be with him and not just fuck him. Well... he does want to fuck him. Who wouldn't? However, Grimmjow has started to feel attached to Ichigo, to care about him deeply. It's totally bizarre to him, and kinda pisses him off. But, the effort is worth the reward. "Ichigo..." He slides a hand down to his tan neck stroking with his fingertips. "let me."

Ichigo doesn't know how to respond. He shakes his head 'no' hoping Grimmjow will stop petting his neck and making chills shoot up his spine. His eyes pop open when teeth graze his closed lips. He looks at Grimmjow's soft expression in shock. "I'm not prepared for this. Not from him of all people. He is acting like..."Ichigo feels a second hand slide over him, this one into his hair. "he might actually..." The biggest surprise comes next when Grimmjow starts tapping his mouth over Ichigo's gently touching his lips to his. "be in love with me." Not exactly kissing but just nudging at Ichigo's soft lips coaxing him to relent and open to him. "If I do this... I do it all the way. I don't know any other way to be." He is truly unsure at his options. Does he try and trust Grimmjow? It's freaking Grimmjow?! His amber eyes watch him float over him still coercing his lips to part so he can slide his tongue inside his body. Ichigo can deny, he can shove him away. But something told him that if he did it this time it would be for good. That even Grimmjow has a limit to rejection.

"Let me in Ichigo." He nuzzles Ichigo again on his petal soft lips watching him look up into his face with a intense expression. "I'll... lov-" Grimmjow's voice stops as Ichigo's lips press to his brushing a small path over his mouth. His light blue eyes grow round as hands slide slowly up his chest into his hair. He shuts his eyes arching his neck up in pleasure. "Mmm."

"I'm starting it. Me. But if I do this..." Ichigo hears the deep rumble from Grimmjow's chest. "I'll be the one to push him down. I'll take his breath away." He turns them quickly so that he is straddling him on the small bed. The gasp and sudden stillness coming from Grimmjow told Ichigo he understood. That he was accepting him, and that it was alright to finally touch him."I'll chain him to me so that he can't walk away from me." His fingers move through thick light blue hair sliding up and down. Ichigo wraps his lips around Grimmjow's mouth tilting his head sideways to open them up.

"You sure?" He whispers flicking his tongue out gingerly to pink lips. Grimmjow's body aches to breathe in Ichigo's stifled moans and be the cause of them.

"Yeah, I'm positive." Ichigo replies and opens his mouth wide meeting the warm wet tongue snaking inside with his own. He braces himself for the overeager zealousness of Grimmjow. Waiting for the forced prodding of his body with mental fortitude he clamps his eyes shut. The large hands move over him quickly rubbing a path straight for his crotch. "Ah!" Ichigo breaks the kiss leaning up in anticipation of his cock being touched again.

It's all so unreal to Grimmjow's mind that his hands want to touch everything at once. But as he reaches Ichigo's stomach he feels the tremor in his goldfish's body. He stops himself. Pressing a hand to Ichigo's abdomen laying it flat and wide. "You are in charge. You touch anything you want."

"A-Alright." Ichigo scans Grimmjow's body searching out a place to start. "There." He lifts a fingertip to Grimmjow's ear slipping it around the natural curve. The simple contact thrills the orange-haired shinigami. He presses both his hands to the wide chest under him leaning down to flicking his tongue slowly up the same ear.

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