chapter 24

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Simons P.O.V

I know she didn't mean it but she needed some space but I think the way I walked off upset her and the wind made the door slam.

I went to the shop an brought her favourite snacks. Ice cream, salted popcorn and lucozade.

I got home and went into our room but she wasn't there. I saw the bathroom door open so I walked in and saw something I never wanted to see.

Alysha passed out on the floor with a knife in her hand.

I ran downstairs and told JJ to ring an ambulance.

"What why? "
"Alysha she cut her self and passed out so just do it!"

I got some towels then ran back up with the boys.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Max growled at me.
"Didn't do fucking anything"

I cleaned up her cuts and rapped a bandage around them to stop them from bleeding. She was still breathing which was good.

Time skip to when she wakes up in hospital

"Oh my god don't ever do that again Alysha I'm so sorry"

"I-its not your fault...I shouldn't of shouted at you"

"No it's my fault I wasn't angry at you, I went to the shop and got you your favourite snacks"

Then a doctor came in.

"Miss Alysha (forgot Adams last name)   you need to stop this is the second time you've been here because of an attempt of suicide. "

"I know it's just been hard today, I gave birth and the child died"

"I am very sorry for that,  now are you still living with Simon and JJ?"

"Well I moved back so yes"

"Okay well would you boys please watch over her?"

"Like we did last time we promise" Vikk said

"Okay well your free to leave"

"Thank you doctor"

"What the fuck was he on about Alysha?!" Max asked me

"I moved here after I broke up with Jin and he kept sending me messages saying he was sorry and I don't know what came over me but I jumped of a bridge"

"And we found her, took her to the hospital, we took her in and ever since that day she's been out best friend" Tobi finished for me.

"Well come on then "

time skip back to the sidemen house

Me and Simon were sat In the living room watching the new Annie while cuddling and eating ice cream and popcorn.

"ROSSOME" (did you think I forgot?)
Ross screamed then just on the couch next to me.

"Heeeeeey Ross"
"Hey Alysha, watching my favourite movie?"
"Since when was this your favourite movie?"
"Since the day we watched it when I met you."

JJ runs into the living room and starts rapping Lambogini.

"JJ that was my favourite part" I complain.

"I-im sorry mummy" he fake cries.

"Hey it's alright come here you big teddy bear" I say while hugging him.

"What?" He whines while walking into the living room
"Your not daddy anymore"
"That's just weird dude Simons Daddy "
"DADDY!" Harry screams and jumps on me and Simon
"That's just weird coming from your mouth"
"What don't act like you don't want me to call you daddy"

"Mummy guess what? " Tobi says
"What is it baby?"
"I made you cakes are you proud?" He says while giving me a cupcake.
"Mmmm very proud tobi"

I might change this into a Mithzan X reader X miniminter?

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