Breakfast at the Burrow

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Sarafina's POV

I fell asleep on the journey home in George's lap in the front passenger seat. He woke me up as we went to land in our drive way. I got out of the car first and the boys followed me. I went to the door that would take us through the kitchen instead of the front door. "Shh" I told them as I pushed up the window and undid the latch on the door letting us in.

"Do you think Mum would mind if we eat this?" Ron asked pointing to the rolls on the table.

"She'll never know" Fred told him as my three brothers took a roll each. Harry looked around the house in awe making me smile.

"It's not much but it's home" Ron told him.

"I think it's brilliant" Harry told us happily.

"Where have you been?!" Mum yelled appearing in front of us. "Oh hello Harry dear" she said kindly spotting him. Before turning back to me and my three scared brothers. "Beds empty, no note, car gone, you could have died or seen!" she yelled at us.

"They were starving him Mum" I told her.

"They put bars on his window" Ron added.

"You had best hope I don't bars on your window Ronald Weasley" she told him sternly. "Come Harry, Sarafina time for a spot of breakfast" she stated in a happier tone. Percy came down as she served it and Ginny ran down asking if I'd seen her jumper.

"Yes Ginny it was Yuki" I told her. Then she spotted Harry who said hello and she ran out of the room up the stairs. Just then Dad got home wishing us (Weasleys) a good morning. "Morning Dad" I said happily hugging him once he put his case and coat down. He hugged me back and then kissed Mum on her cheek before sitting at the head of the table.

Just then Ginny rejoined us dressed in muggle clothes and sat beside me as usual. She and I have strong bond being the only two girls in the family beside Mum. As we finishing up breakfast three barn owls flew through the window carrying letters. Percy gave them some treats and took the eight letters.

"It's our Hogwarts letters" he stated handing them out "they sent us Harry's as well" he informed us giving a letter to Harry. "This is for you Sarafina" he stated giving me two letters.

"Dumbledore must know you are here Harry" Dad stated. "Doesn't miss a trick that man" he told us. We all opened our letters and I saw we had to get Lockhart's books. Which would be expensive, but Mum said we would manage.

"Only one place we are going to get all this" Mum stated. "Diagon Alley" she said heading towards the fireplace. "We will need more floo powder as well Arthur, we are running low" she informed Dad. He nodded and we got our cloaks Harry got his and looked at us confused as we gathered around the fireplace.

"Of course, Harry has never traveled by floo power before Mum" I told her.

"Really, how did you get to Diagon Alley last time?" Dad stated/asked Harry.

"I went through the Leaky Cauldron" Harry explained.

"Oh by the way Hermione said she would met us at the book store" I told them. Percy and the twins went first showing Harry how to use floo powder.

"See quite simple Harry, don't be threatened" Mum said holding the flower pot out to him. Harry took some and stood in the fireplace. "Now don't forget to speak very clearly" Mum informed him.

"Diagonally" he said dropping the floo powder disappearing in the green flames.

"Want did he say dear?" Mum asked Dad.

"Diagonally" he told her.

"I thought that's want he said" she said gloomily. Before having the rest off us use the floo powder. Once we all there we went separate ways promising to met at the book store.

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