Helping Harry Kill Tom

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Sarafina's POV

"Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world!" I woke up to yelling.

"Dumbledore's been driven out of the castle by the mere memory of me!" I heard Tom tell the other person in the chamber.

"He won't be gone as long as those here are still loyal to him!" I heard Harry's voice retort back. I opened my eyes to see Harry and Tom face to face. Neither had noticed I was awake yet and I saw Tom had Harry's wand too.

I then heard the song of a bird and the flapping of wings. Something soft landed beside me as I closed my eyes pretending to be unconscious still. "This is want Dumbledore sends his great defender a song bird and an old hat" Tom sneered and I heard him walk away a little. I listened to Tom ask how Harry survived twice without Voldemort (Tom) killing him.

Harry told him how his mother died protecting him and her love protected him. Tom then went on comparing them both; how they were both half-bloods, orphans and raised by muggles. He then said how they are probably the only parseltongue since the Salazar himself.

"Now lets test the power of Lord Voldemort heir of Salazar Slytherin against the famous Harry Potter" Tom said. I then heard him speaking parseltongue and rock moving. And knew that the basilisk was coming and shut my eyes tighter then before. Footsteps ran past me splashing on the wet floor followed by a giant slithering body.

Then there was a bird screeching and the basilisk hissing in pain. "The bird may have blinded the basilisk, but it can still hear you" Tom said. I finally opened my eyes and got a good look at the basilisk. It was bigger then I thought it would be and it was indeed blind now. Harry run into one of the tunnels with it following him.

I saw the sorting hat next to me and put it on thinking we need help, help us please. It then told me to take it off and I did as I was told. A glittery sword handle appeared from inside the hat and I took it out as Harry returned to mine & Ginny's side. "Harry catch!" I yelled throwing him the sword as he ran by with the basilisk on his tail.

Harry climb a stone statue head while the basilisk tried to bite him. When he reached the top he swung the sword wildly at the basilisk. Then Harry fell dropping the sword when the basilisk hit him with the side of it's head. But Harry managed to get the sword before it fell off the top of the statue. He then rimmed it through the basilisk's skull his arm inside's it mouth.

As the snake fell away dead one of it's fangs dropped and punctured Harry's arm. He took it out, but I knew the poison had already entered his system. Harry joined us and Tom said "amazing isn't how quickly the basilisk's venom works, you'll be joining your mudblood mother soon Harry. And I'll stop being a memory Voldemort will be back very much alive" he finished.

I took the diary from beside Ginny and the basilisk from beside Harry. "Not if I have anything to say about it" I stated as I rimmed the fang into the diary. Tom screamed in pain before he disappeared and Ginny finally woke up. I pulled her into a hug "you are in so much trouble young lady. But I am so glad you're ok" I said in relief.

A phoenix then appeared crying on Harry's wound and it healed. "Of course phoenix tears have healing powers, it's over you two. It is just memory" Harry told us with a tired smile. I helped Ginny up and we followed Harry out of the chamber.

We met Ron and an even stupider Lockheart in an other chamber where it looks like there was a rock slide. He hugged both Ginny and I tightly before turning to me. "I thought you were dead, you look thin sis" he stated bluntly and I slapped his arm. "Oww, last time I save you" he mumbled, but hugged me back when I hugged him. The phoenix return and carried us out of the pipes into Myrtle's bathroom.


Gif above of basilisk appearing

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