OverKill No. 1 Part 3

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Key; for those new to reading scripts and stuff.

(T.)= Thought boxes

(U.)= Two or more characters talking in unison.

(V.O.)= Voice over. When a character is talking/narrating from somewhere else.

(Sfx.)= Sound effects.

(O.S.)= Off screen. When a character is talking but their face isn't in the shot.

Page 11

Panel 1- Close-up of the young woman ripping the ship's door open. It's noted that painted a company logo is painted right hand corner of the ship's door. It reads Alter Corp. The Alternative Solution.

Panel 2- A medium shot from the ship's scanners' perseptive. The ship is scanning the young woman and figuring out what what mode to set. There's a green overlay over everything. I suppose the ship really REALLY likes green. Aw yeah man, green is the best, man.

1 SHIP: "Lifeforms in surrounding area-1. Lifeform- Human. Vitals- Stable. Lockdown Mode OFF"

Panel 3- Medium shot of the young woman climbing into the ship. The inside is fairly bare, spare for two cushy pilot seats behind the windshield and some child drawings of stars and spaceships that hang from multicolored yarn off the ceiling. The young woman stares at these with haunting curiosity.

Panel 4- Close-up of young woman getting into the pilot's seat.

Panel 5- Profile of a green hologram that looks like a tiny silhouette of a person projecting itself from one of the devices on the dashboard of the ship. The noise the device makes when powering on startles the young woman and she jumps in her seat.

1 (Sfx) BZZZZZzzzzrt!

2 YOUNG WOMAN: "Frick!"

3 HOLOGRAM: "Hello Madame."

Page 11

Panel 1- We see the hologram in this shot fills most of the panel. It's got it's hands behind it's back.

1 HOLOGRAM: "I am a Cognitive Artificial Intelligence System or C.A.I.S. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Panel 2- Medium shot of the aliens breaking down the door.

1 YOUNG WOMAN (O.S.): "Please get me OFF this piece of rock and BACK on PLANET freaking EARTH!"

Panel 3- Bird's eye view of the aliens watching the ship blast through the skylight above them.

1 C.A.I.S. (O.S.): "Of course. No need to be rude."

Panel 4- Shot of ship flying straight towards us along with title and credits.

Page 12

Panel 1- Aw yeah more scene changes. Bird's eye view of the Supervisor's desk which has a big touch screen built into it. The Supervisor's finger is sliding one of those "Slide to Power On" things that show up on Apple products.

1 JASON (O.S.): "What do you want me to do?"

2 SUPERVISOR (O.S.): "I want you to find someone."

Panel 2- A mid shot of the supervisor standing behind the desk looking at the

1 SUPERVISOR (O.S.): "Her name is Bridget Marshal. She was the bodyguard of the former American Earth Ambassador when Winter 14 went missing."

Panel 3- A long shot of a group of diverse important looking people waving in front of a crowd. They all look very triumphant standing on the stage they're on. the stage is decorated with balloons and a banner. In the background there is a huge parked spaceship with WINTER 14 written in large green print.

1 JASON (V.O.): "Wasn't that the ship carried a bunch of Earth Ambassadors that were supposed to meet the Cantaro* on their home planet for the first time?"

*Cantaro is another name for the aforementioned furries that keep popping up in this comic. As it is implied from what Jason is saying, yes they are aliens. Very fuzzy adorable aliens. 

Page 13-

Panel 1- A long shot of Winter 14 off to the distance in deep space. Stars and galaxies surround it.

1 JASON (V.O.): "The people on that ship were supposed to make history but then Bam! We've lost all contact with them and Winter 14  is just gone, lost in space."

Panel 2- Close-up of Jason who is out of his info dump induced daydream ( That's right Jason, I used your nerdy speech as a storytelling tool! Do you feel used yet? Just wait) and is more alert.

1 JASON: "What makes you think I can find a long dead woman in space?"

Panel 3- Close up of the Supervisor, she's dead serious.

1 SUPERVISOR: "I have reason to believe that Marshal is alive and back on earth."

Panel 4- Bird's eye view of the touch screen. It shows some footage of Marshal ripping an ATM out of a wall.

1 SUPERVISOR: "This was sent to me two days ago but it was leaked to the reporters."

Panel 5- Same shot as panel 4 except Marshal is throwing the ATM into the windshield of a moving van.

Panel 6- Medium shot of Jason standing over the desk with a totally flabbergasted expression on his face. The Supervisor looks unamused.

1 JASON: "Holy crap! She's a super?! Must've been one hell of a bodyguard."

Page 14-

Panel 1- Profile medium shot of Jason and the Supervisor both standing now. The Supervisor still is determined as ever but Jason looks a bit hesitant.

1 SUPERVISOR: "This will hit the press in an hour. I want you to find her before anyone else does."

2 JASON: "I don't know if I can. What if she doesn't want to be found? She could just chuck a car at me."

3 SUPERVISOR: "You know how known Supers have a way of "disappearing"."

Panel 2- Extreme close-up of the Supervisor. She's practically pleading Jason now.

1 SUPERVISOR: "Please, Lieutenant."

Panel 3- Close-up of Jason looking very sympathetic. He's close to cracking.

1 SUPERVISOR (O.S.): "She's my friend..."

Panel 3- Same shot as Panel 1. The Supervisor's expression hasn't changed much but something the Supervisor just said peaked his interest.

1 SUPERVISOR: "... and I'm paying you $2,000"

2 JASON: "When do I start?"

Panel 4- Close-up of the Supervisor, she looks genuinely relieved.

1 SUPERVISOR: "As soon as possible."

2 JASON (O.S.): "Great!"

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