Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I whimper, curling into a ball on the couch. I flinch back from the all of the boys', excluding Harry, black eyes. They all turn towards Harry, growls slipping past their lips.

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault!" I exclaim, tears filling in my eyes. I run up the stairs, stumbling over my own feet. I reach my bedroom and open the door, locking it behind me. I sit down on the bed, putting my hands in my head. Why are these emotions suddenly coming now? Does it have something to do with the mating bond?

"Lacy, love, open the door," I hear Niall's voice outside my bedroom door. I glance around with wide eyes; fleeing to the bathroom, I lock myself in this room as well. I crawl into the bathtub, curling myself into a ball as best as I can. I'm scared still, and I don't want to face any of the boys.

"Lacy, we are not going to hurt you. Let us in," I hear Liam command from outside the door. The command is not as strong as it would have been if he were touching me, so I am able to ignore it. Niall must've told the other boys what I was thinking. I hear pounding on the door.

"Lacy, we are serious! Let us in, now!" Zayn exclaims, knocking violently on the door. I wrap my arms around my knees, scared of all of them. I hear a cracking sound, like a door is being broken. My eyes widen, and a small tear trickles down my cheek, leaving a watermark behind. My body tries to protect me, making me black out and lose consciousness.


When I come to, I don't recognize where I am. It's a bed but not my own. I hear footsteps approach my bed, and I close my eyes once more.

"Lacy, I know you're awake. There is no need to pretend like you're asleep," I hear Harry tell me, sitting down on the bed. I look up at him, keeping myself cuddled underneath the blankets.

"What happened?" I ask, wincing at my hoarse and dry voice.

"Well, after you and I kissed, the other boys went ape shit and flipped out, almost attacking me. The sound of you talking and running upstairs snapped them out of it, and they rushed after you. I went upstairs as well, taking a little less time though. They busted down your bedroom door and bathroom doors, and I gathered you in my arms. You looked so peaceful and calm, so peaceful that if not for your heartbeat, I would have thought you were dead. I took you into my bedroom, and you have been asleep for about three days," Harry explains, running circles on my leg.

"Why did they react the way they did when you kissed me?" I ask him, looking down at my hands. Harry sighs.

"Well, when a vampire sees another male touching his mate inappropriately, they freak out. In a situation such as ours, the mates learn to control their inner demons, instead not flipping out when another of the mates touches their shared mate. The others were still riled up from when Louis growled at you, which in turn scared at you. When a mate is in trouble or is frightened, the other mates get very territorial, and their vampiric side will come out. I promise, this won't happen again." I look up at Harry when he finishes talking, smiling gently at him. I lean over and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He grins at me, his smile making my heart jump out of my chest.

"Where are the others?" I ask him.

"They decided to stay downstairs while I explained all of this. They didn't want to scare you again," he explains. I nod. Harry brings me close to his chest, his hands running through my hair. He starts humming, letting me close my eyes and relax against him.

"Harry, do you love me?" I ask hesitantly, afraid of what the answer might be. The humming stops.

"Of course, love, I love you. You're all I want and all I need. I will always love you," Harry tells me, burying his face in my hair. I smile and lean back against him, snuggling up against my beacon of hope.

A/N: Thank you all so much for almost 800 reads and over 30 votes! I almost have 1,000 reads! Thank you all so much and keep doing what you're doing. I love you all!

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