Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I look up at Ed, more of a glare than a look really, and I sigh in frustration. Being the stubborn and prideful person that I am, I stand up and get ready to run again. Before I can even take the first step back, I'm over Ed's shoulder, staring at his ass. It's not as nice looking as any of the boys' butts.

"Put me down!" I yell at him, beating my balled up fists on his back. Ed ignores me and continues walking, obviously not affected by my punches.

"Let me go!" I scream, kicking my feet this time. Ed holds my legs down to avoid his chest being kicked, and he places the other hand on my butt, keeping me in place. I try to squirm out of his grip; I do not want my kidnapper touching my ass!

"Please stop yelling," he demands, looking back at me.

"There's a thing called personal space, and until I get it, I won't stop fighting or screaming! Let go of me!" I exclaim, smacking his back. Ed sighs and continues walking.


By the time we reach Ed's house, I've slumped over onto his shoulder, giving up and instead saving my energy. Ed is now rubbing my back with his hand, thinking that this is what is keeping me calm. I roll my eyes at his idiocy.

"I'm going to put you on the bed. This room has been cleared of anything that might be used as a weapon or anything that might be able to break anything," Ed tells me when we reach the bedroom which I was locked into before. He sets me down on the bed, and I glare up at him.

"One more trick like you pulled earlier and I will be sleeping in here with you," he threatens me before walking out. I stare at the door before falling back on the bed.
Princess? I hear Niall's voice in my head.

Niall? (A/N: from now on, Lacy's mind message is going to be bolded. Hopefully, this will make things easier.)

I thought you were in the forest! Where are you?

I'm at Ed's again. He followed me and found me.

We will be there soon. Can you send me a picture of what his house looks like?

I'll try. I send a mental picture of the outside of the house to Niall, praying that he knows where it is and will find me soon.

We are coming, Lacy. I promise that we will be there soon. We all love you. Goodbye, love.

Bye. Niall closes off the chat, and I close my eyes, letting a few tears leak out.

"Please come, oh please come," I whisper to myself. Then, I develop into a pile of sobs.

A few minutes later, Ed walks into the room.

"Oh, Lacy, what's the matter?" He asks, coming over to me. I cringe away, but he still embraces me.

"Tell me, babe, what has you upset?" He questions, smoothing my hair back. I stand up quickly, furious with this stupid man.

"You are what has me upset! You kidnap me and take me away from the people that I love and expect me to want to be with you! Don't you get it? I love them, not you! I never will love you! Even if I wanted to, I never would because you kidnapped me! Why don't you just let me go, you stupid git?!" I exclaim, knocking over a chair. Edward stands up, towering over me.

"You listen to me! I will not be disrespected like this! You are nothing but a low human! I am superior, and I will be given respect, you bitch!" He yells, before slapping me across the face. Ed storms out of the room, locking the door behind you.

"I will mate with you as soon as possible and make sure you never see those boys again!" He screams from the other side of the door. I listen to his heavy footsteps march down the stairs, meanwhile I cry in pain and sadness.

Around an hour later, I hear Ed yelling and screaming at someone to leave. I listen closely, my throbbing cheek forgotten. I listen as screams and yells are sounded through the house. Finally, after half an hour of induced cries of pain, the house is silent. I wait anxiously in my room, listening for the slightest noise.

Footsteps creak up the stairs, and I run to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. I crawl into the bathtub, curling myself up into a ball. The bedroom door opens, and five pairs of footsteps enter the room. After a few minutes of searching, they turn to the bathroom. Someone twists the knob, trying to get in.

"Lacy, are you in there?" I hear Niall's all too familiar voice. I unlock the door and throw it open, staring up at my five heroes.

"Lacy!" They all cry in relief, leaning over to hug me. I willingly go into their arms, crying in joy and relief.

"Thank gosh you're here," I whisper, "I missed you all so much!"

"We missed you too," Harry murmurs, kissing my nose. Zayn's eyes darken as he takes in my reddened cheek.

"What happened?!" He growls, cupping my cheek in his hand. I lean into his hand, nuzzling it with my nose.

"It's okay. Ed got mad and slapped me, but I'm fine," I assure him, hugging him. Zayn doesn't look convinced.

"I don't love him. I love you, all of you," I tell him, forgetting that I haven't told the boys yet how I felt. I turn to look at them, their eyes and mine both wide. They all look at me in shock, before they lean down and smother me with kisses.

"We love you. I love you," they all say at different times, kissing and hugging every inch of me. I smile up at them, finally knowing where I belong.


Well, there ya have it! She finally told them how she felt!! And, because I'm such a wonderful person jk, I gave you all a very long update. I just feel so bad because I haven't been updating as often as I should. But, hopefully this will keep you occupied for a little while. Thank you all for all of the votes, comments, and reads. I love you all so very much, and I wouldn't be here without any of you!

Stay sexy. ;)


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