What's Happening??

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I was expecting to get help from Porrim, but instead I found an equally young jade blood cuddling in Aranea's arms. She was nuzzling at Aranea's throat and purring.

Aranea heard me coming and turned panicky white eyes on me.

"Oh Kankri! I don't know what to do! I went to go see Porrim earlier and found her like this!" She said rushing up.

"I-I d9n't, I'm s9rry Aranea. Cr9nus is like this t99 and I can't explain it," I managed to tell her.

Her eyes got wide and her breath caught, looking down at the cool, indifferent face staring at her.

His face slowly morphed into something more curious, tilting his head.

"... You're Aranea?" He asked not looking convinced.

"Yes, hello Cronus," She said hugging Porrim.

Porrim turned a happy gaze away from Aranea to me. She immediately broke out in a huge grin.

"Kanny?" She half sang, half laughed.

"Yes P9rrim," I responded without thought.

She shrieked in delight before she dropped from Aranea's arms. She scrambled over to hug me.

She let go and turned to Cronus who was watching her warily.

She bounded over and held out her arms to him.

Cronus looked at me for a moment before slowly lifting his arms to hug her.

She trilled again and tackled him in a hug.

That hug would have knocked most young trolls over, but he didn't even sway. He simply hugged her back gently, looking uncertain about this.

She let go, but kept ahold of him by his elbow.

"Porrim," He muttered quietly blinking at her.

"Yeah! Nice to+ meet yo+u Cro+nus," She told him.

He managed a small smile, "Ah, yes nice to meet you as vwell."

She was in an amazingly happy mood, dancing around Cronus and trying to get him to dance with her. He was mostly making it easier to twirl and dip as she did.

I walked closer to Aranea, "S9 what d9 y9u think Aranea?" I asked her quietly.

"I don't know Kankri, I have no explanation either. If it were just one of them I would say it was something they ate or did, 8ut it's 8oth of them," She said softly before motioning at them.

I watched as Porrim convinced Cronus to waltz with her, He was quite good and she was learning quickly. He appeared to be muttering the steps to her as they went.

I turned back to her with a frown and a thought, "I think they actually are 9ur P9rrim and Cr9nus, just y9unger. Als9 I'm w9rried ab9ut the 9thers, if they're like this I w9uld feel 6etter kn9wing wh9 all is y9ung again."

She nodded, "I would as well, if the others are as young as them they would need help doing everyday things. Not to mention the trou8le they could get in if left to their own devices."

"I kn9w that at least a few 9f them were tr9uble makers at this age," I said, "Meenah especially."

"So should we go to them or w8 for them to show up here?" She asked.

"I think it w9uld 6e 6etter t9 wait here f9r the 9thers. H9w much tr9u6le c9uld P9rrim and Cr9nus 6e?" I said glancing at them again.

Or at least where they had been standing only moments before. I turned wide eyed to check the rest of the clearing, hoping to find them a few yards away. However they were nowhere to be found.

Cronus' POV

"Err, Por are you sure vwe should be leavwing them?" I asked the excited girl.

"Well no+ no+t exactly, but I wanna see my lusus! Do+n't yo+u?" She asked pulling me along.

I scowled, "Of course I do, but vwe could havwe just asked them right?"

"They pro+bably co+uld have talked all day like that and I do+n't want to+ wait that lo+ng to+ see mo+m!" She told me.

"They're probably going to freak out that vwe're gone," I muttered.

"So+? They aren't o+ur lussi," She dismissed easily.

I scowled again, but said nothing more. She probably wouldn't listen no matter what I said or did. She was right, I did want to see dad, but I felt really bad leaving Kankri without saying anything. Plus Aranea was probably worried that Porrim had left without saying anything.

I didn't know why, but despite the fact that Kankri looked nothing like the one I was used to I did believe that he was him.

I looked down thinking until I bumped into Por's back and was about to snap at her before I looked up to see another troll in front of her.

Another sea dwelling troll.

I did it! I'm so sorry this took so long, but so much has been going on that I haven't had a chance to type this up. I hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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