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This got unexpectedly popular... How the... Ugh... Have fun with the insanity of my stories. (I am so happy thank you all)

Although it had been a surprise to find a young Cronus instead of the grown one I was used to, I was... off put by his reactions. He was far too calm about this, he should have been wary or scared of me, instead he just seemed a little jumpy.

Then there was the fact that he recognized me at all. I know I look very similar as to when I was young, but he still shouldn't recognize me so easily.

He moved calmly alongside me never wandering. Although few times he'd stumble like he wasn't used to his own body.

I supposed that when we made it to the others I could gauge how right I might be based on his reactions to them.

Cronus looked up at me with a confused smile and I realized we had stopped walking, "I'm very s9rry Cr9nus, I was thinking, I h9pe I didn't trigger you..."

I wasn't sure if he would even understand the concept of triggers at such a young age, that is if he was as mentally young as he is physically.

"Nah, it's fine, just vwondering if you vwere alright there," He smiled and I had to fight off a blush.

Cronus, as much as I didn't like to admit it sometimes, was a very attractive troll. Even as a wriggler he was adorable, to the point where it was hard to understand why absolutely no one would quadrant with him despite the way he could act.

"Alright then, we sh9uld resume 9ur walk," I gave a small smile that immediately got a fin wiggle in return.

After a couple more minutes of walking Cronus suddenly stopped and fell down. I rushed to his side wondering if he had somehow gotten injured, instead he simply looked up at me with a mildly confused look.

"Sorry I'm just really dizzy all of the sudden," I tensed up a little at this, his words seemed a little clipped.

I hadn't noticed until he said that, but this was how he used to talk as a wriggler. Clipped and slightly haughty, it was mostly in the dreambubbles that he had relaxed his language.

I nodded dumbly and asked, "D9 y9u feel alright n9w?"

"Quite," He told me standing slowly.

"We sh9uld hurry up, we're already late and I w9uldn't want t9 w9rry P9rrim," This was a slight fib, I was simply desperate to get around the others and tell them my worries.

Because I was fairly convinced this was my Cronus, or at least had been until mere moments ago. Because this was clearly the Cronus I had known in my youth.

"Alright then," He said with a nod, but then he looked at me closer, "Kankri?"

I could feel the blood run out of my face, but I forced myself to smile, "Indeed, Cr9nus."

He stared at me with slightly impassive eyes, "Were n9t far n9w."

I turned and walked towards the bubble I was seeking trying to hold in my panic. He was right behind me, being very quiet.

I entered the courtyard only to feel the blood run out of my face again, "9h dear."


So we are going to have a little poll here, I'm going to make three other trolls wrigglers again. Well I should say, you guys are going to make three other trolls wrigglers again. That's right, vote away! You can put up to three trolls in your comments. Only have two you would like to see as wrigglers? Just put those two. I'll probably keep the poll open for about a week, tops. After that I'll tally up the votes and little troll mischief will begin!


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