chapter six

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its monday and rachel is at mckinley having a crap day santana had zlushied her again this mornign and as she had a power cut last night her electronic alarm didnt go off so she slept in meaning she had to rush to get to school meaning she forgot to bring the spare change of clothes she had started bringing with her.

plus kurt had infact tolb blaine how he felt and blaine said he felt the same way about kurt and they had started to go out so now that kurt had blaine he was busy.

as rachel stood in the girls bathroom mutturing under her breath about santana noah walked in

"noah you cant just walk in here" rachel said

" relax princess i checked that nobody was going before i walked in." noah said.

" what can i do for you noah"rachel asked

" well i wondered if there had been any delevopements in the mystry man case" noah said with a smirk

" well i have ruled one person out" rachel said

" really are you sure "noah asked her

'he knew nothing about any of it"rachel said

"i see unless he was faking"noah said

"noah"rachel said

"so whats the deal with the guy with the cw hair"noah asked

"who"rachel asked

"the tll one you introduced me to i forget his name"noah said

"sebastian"rachel said

"yeah thats the one"noah said

"what about him"rachel snapped as she brushed her hair

"he is waiting by your car"noah said

"really"rachel said.

"yeah see i figured after seeing him myprincess had gotton herself a date"noah said

"no i didnt know he was coming"rachel said. she fixed her lipstick then headed put of the bathroom with noah following her. she walked out of the school and saw sebastian was indeed stood by her car.

" hi" she said as she arrived infront of him

" nice to see you again" noah said to him before driving off

" hello rachel i figured since kurt is all loved up you might not think your invited to coffee as none of us straight guys have your number" sebastian said

" you cme here to invote me for coffee" rachel asked

"yes" sebastian said then saw her clothes " you got slushied again who by this time" he asksd

" santana its always santana"rachel said

"is she still here" sebastian asked

" i dont know" rachel said

" will you come for coffee" he asked her

" yeah alright" rachel said

" great i will see you there" he said walking to his own car as rachel got in hers.

once at the lima bean rachel was surprised it was only her sebastian hunter jeff and wes who werw there.

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