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Damon's P.O.V

I could feel leaves and dirt under my skin, there were dozens of trees around me. Am I in a forest? I was just in a cave wasn't I? The moon light was shining through the trees, it was also completely silent the only thing I could hear was my breathing. After about a minute of talking to myself I heard something to my left. I quickly stood up and turned around. At first I didn't see anything so I tried to move closer to the sound. When I got closer I saw a dark brown horse coming my way. On top of the horse was a tall dark haired man with a cross bow in his hands. "Hello are you alright?" The man asked me he seemed to have an accent which sounded a little British. "Who are you? I don't want any trouble I just need to know where I am?" The man jumped off the horse and walked towards me. He had Blue silver eyes and was wearing brown leather. "I'm Sebastian most people call me Bash I was hunting when I saw you laying on the ground." I wasn't sure he was real everything I've seen so far have been illusions messing with my head. "Are you real." Sebastian just chuckled at me shaking his head. "How drunk are you mate?" Now I'm sure he's real it's human nature to make fun of someone. "I'm not drunk just confused, speaking of being confused where am I?" "Well in that case you are in Lovre, France 1557 to be exact where are you from?" 1557 that can't be right, I have to figure this out but it's not like I can ask him. I tried to think of a country that would fit into my 'story', that's when I remembered that I have Italian roots maybe that will work. "I'm from Florence, Italy." "Italy what's your name?" "Damon Salvatore." I really hope that worked that crossbow could kill me right here right now. "Well lucky for you Damon, you might have some family to meet." What does he mean by family? I guess I have to go along with it. We rode through the woods for about two hours until we reached a dirt road. "Are we almost there?" "Yes we just need to go down this road and eventually we'll get there." I simply nodded and we continued to ride forward.

Me and Bash rode for what felt like hours until we reached a gravel like road. When I looked up I saw a giant stone castle right before my eyes. Due to it's massive height we were standing under a huge shadow. As the horse continued to move forward we stopped right in front of a huge wooden like gate that separated us from the inside of the castle. "Who goes there?" A man from up above the gate asked Bash and I. "Sebastian Vallios sir just coming back from hunting." Bash answered. The man simply nodded and turned around, but not before he mumbled something. I used my vampire hearing before he got to far and heard him say, "It's just the bastard and one of his friends." He said rather sarcastically. A few seconds later the gate began to open and Bash pushed the horse forward in the castle grounds.

Mary's P.O.V

I stood in front of my bedroom window watching the stars twinkle in the dark sky, simply waiting for Francis to return. As I was staring my door opened and I turned around to see Francis. He quickly walked up to me and gave me a kiss, then sat down on a chair to take off his shoes. "So how was your day?" I asked him while sitting down beside him. "It was alright I suppose, the meeting was quite boring." He took a deep breathe as he removed his left boot from his foot. "All we did was discuss how the French throne is going to survive without an heir. As soon as he said that I let out a worried sigh. Almost every noble at court seems to mock her about the fact that she hasn't had a child yet. "I'm sorry." I said while looking down at the floor. "There is nothing to be sorry for my love, it's not your fault one day we are going to be parents to a beautiful child." Francis said as leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I have no doubt about that." I simply nodded and gave him a weak smile. He then helped me up and we walked over to our bed. When we finally got in the bed he put his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. "Good night my love." He said before I drifted to sleep.

Damon's P.O.V

When Bash and I arrived at the stables we quickly jumped off the horse and walked towards the small gate. "So what are we going to do now?" I asked him as he put the horse in it's stable. "Well since it's pretty late I should probably find you somewhere to sleep." "And where exactly am I supposed sleep?" Bash looked at the floor for a while thinking, as I was waiting for him to answer I heard a stifled sob up above. I tried to focus my hearing but wasn't able to hear anything clearly. After what felt like hours Bash finally spoke up. "I have an idea but I don't think you'll like it." I looked at him a bit confused. "What do you mean by that?" "Well since your an Italian noble your probably used to sleeping in your own chambers..." "Oh I get it, so where are you going to take me?" "Follow me." Bash said before turning around and swiftly walking down a dirt road. When we reached our destination I saw a small cottage like house in front of me. "What's this?" I asked Bash. "It's where the servants sleep, I can't introduce you to anyone right now so this was all I could think of." "It's okay I completely understand, just one problem how am I supposed to pretend to be a servant?" Bash smiled as he put up his hand. "Don't worry I already got that covered." After that he whistled, and seconds later someone showed up at the door. "Leith I need your help." Bash said while patting the young man on the back. "With what?" The boy asked him. "This is my friend Damon Salvatore and he needs a place to stay tonight." Leith simply nodded and moved aside to let me inside.

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