Marshall Lee, My Vampire Sweetheart!

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My eyes blinked open, man did my head hurt!

I remember falling, and now, as I looked around, I could see that I was somplace new and mysterious.

I got up and brushed myself off.

I picked up my green backpack and looked around, everything was so strange here, so unreal.

Well, I thought to myself, since i'm obviously going to be here for a while, I should probaly find somewhere to stay.

While I was walking, I kept looking around and stopped, my eyes resting on a sign.

"Welcome to the land of Ooh!"

What the heck? I asked myself, whats the 'land of ooh'?

I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking, until I found myself at the foot of this giant tree, with windows and a door...

Curious, I let myself knock on the door, and you will not believe who ansered.

A cat!

"Fionna get you butt in here! What were you thinking running off on your own without telling anybody! I mean I know you always have your sword and everything, but it can still be dangerous" said the cat.

How did she know my name? I assumed that it was female because it had a rather girly voice.

Obviously I looked dumbstruck because she looked at me, waving a hand in my face, "Girl you there, hello? Earth to Fiona! Geez child, get inside!" She said taking my arm in her paws and ushering me inside.

I followed her inside and let her drag me over ot a couch.

"Whats your name?" i asked, curious.

"Oh no, Fionna did you forget everything?" asked the cat.

"and how do you know my name?" I asked.

"My name is Cake, and i'm your pet/best friend/guardian." said Cake the cat.

Cake sighed,"Oh well, I guess we're retraing you."

"Retrain?" I asked.

"Yep, open you back pack." she instructed.

I listened, and pulled out this awesome sword!

"Sweet!" I said.

"Well I see your love for weapons hasn't gone away." said Cake.

I admired my sword, the metal gleaming quite nicely.

"Cake?" I asked.

"Yeah?" said Cake, busy in what I assumed was the kitchen.

"Where can I put my stuff?" I asked.

Cake sicked and turned the stove off, "Come with me" she said gesturing fo me to follow her.

We walked up some stairs and then I was in a bedroom, I walked over to the bed and placed my backpack on the bed.

"Cake, how long have we lived here?" I asked, taking numerous objects from my backpack.

"Well you havn't lived here long, we actually made this tree our home four moths ago. But, we don't know very many people in the area, we'e talked with Prince Gumball from the Candy Kingdom" she said.

Prince Gumball? I tried not to choke while I was laughing.

"He actually seems to fancy you Fiona, and he wanted to invite us to his coming out ceremony." said Cake, being completely serious.

"Coming out of what?" I asked, "The Closet?"

Now that one made Cake laugh.

"Fiona be nice." said Cake, still laughing.

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