Chapter 8: California pt 1

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Vilu's P.O.V

As I woke up I took a shower then got dressed

As I woke up I took a shower then got dressed

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Also Leon had woke up and got ready

Then  we ate breakfast then went upstairs to start packing for our flight in a few hours

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Then  we ate breakfast then went upstairs to start packing for our flight in a few hours

3 hours later

Leon: Vilu you have a lot of clothes

Vilu: well I do need a lot of clothes( went in her closet)

Leon: (whispering) you don't need that many shoes and dresses

Vilu: (came) what was that??

Leon: Oh nothing

As we got the last of Vilu's suitcases we put them in the car

Leon: (phone started ringing) hell

Maxi: Leon, you and Violetta need to come to the studio now with your suitcases

Leon: ok bye ( hangs up)

Vilu: who was  that ??

Leon: Maxi,  we have to be at the studio now

Vilu: ok lets go

       At the studio

Leon's P.O.V

As we got in the studio we saw the guys

Vilu: hey guys

The guys: hey

Leon: so why are we here the flight is in 2 hours

Maxi: well I was thinking that before we leave we should sing some songs

Leon: ok me and Vilu will go first

After we finished singing we grew together we all went in our cars and drove to the airport

Life as a married couple (sequel to Life After Studio On Beat) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now