Chapter 26: Black & white party

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Vilu's P.O.V
when me and the girls were ready we went to get the guys

Leon: Vilu you look beautiful, and you have a baby bump!!

Vilu: I know I think I'm fat

Leon: Vilu your not fat your beautiful.

Vilu: well thank you

After we were talking we go in the car and started driving to the venue

20 minutes later

When we got to the Venue a red carpet was there so me and the girls took pictures together and the boys did to, then me and Leon took a picture and we all went in

Logan: good evening ladies and gentlemen

Brianna: tonight we have All 4 U and an unknown girls band but I think you might know them

Logan: but before the girls singing their first song All 4 U will sing a song

Boys: (got on stage)

Leon: this song is for my lovely wife Violetta

Vilu: (blushed)

They sang Are you ready for the ride

Fede: now I would like to introduce my lovely fiance Ludmila Ferro

Ludmi: (came on stage)

Leon: I would like to introduce my other half Violetta Vargas

Vilu: ( came on stage kissed Leon's cheek)

Diego: my lovely girlfriend Francesca

Maxi: my lovely fiance Naty

Broduey: my lovely girlfriend Camilla

Then the rest of the girls got on stage

Boys: (got off stage)

Brianna: Girls what is your band name???

Girls: Fifth Harmony

Then we started to sing a song that me and the girls recently composed together

Then we sang another song

After we got off stage everyone clapped

Brianna: everyone Fifth Harmony!!

Leon: hey you were amazing (he said that eating something)

Vilu: Leon what do you have in your mouth

Leon: nothing

Vilu: Leon??

Leon: Fine I got chocolates

Vilu: ok but give me some

Leon: wait I can have chocolate??

Vilu: yes (eats chocolates)

Leon: Guys I can eat chocolate!!

After a fun night of singing, dancing, and Leon and Fede eating chocolates we went home

Vilu: night  Leon

Leon: good night my love (wrapped his arms around her waist)

Happy thanksgiving I was writing this chapter while helping my dad cook. My sister woke me up at 7:00 I mean I wake up at that time for school but on the weekends I don't.
But remember  kids don't stay up till 4am on wattpad because you'll be tired and keep calm and watch Violetta


Life as a married couple (sequel to Life After Studio On Beat) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now