Chapter 23: Ultrasound

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Vilu's P.O.V

When the guys left I took a shower then I got dressed

When the guys left I took a shower then I got dressed

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Leon: Vilu are you ready??

Vilu: yes

At the hospital

Nurse: Violetta Vargas??

Violetta: yes??

Nurse: Dr. Richardson is ready to see you

Vilu: ok

Leon: (held out his hand) ready??

Vilu: ready (grabbed his hand)

In the hospital room

Dr.Richardson: hi I'm doctor Richardson but you can call me Jane I'll be with you through your whole pregnancy

Vilu&Leon: hi

Jane: first, Violetta can you pull up your shirt

Vilu: Sure ( pulled up shirt)

Jane: this might be a little cold (put gel on her stomach)

Then a picture appeared on the screen

Vilu: Leon look that's the baby!!

Leon: yeah!!

Jane: well I'll be right back to get the pictures and there are tissues for you to wipe off the gel

Vilu: ok thanks (grabbed a tissue and wiped off the gel)

Leon: (phone started ringing) hello... ok we'll be there

Vilu: who was that??? (Pulled down her shirt)

Leon: it was my manager he said that we have to go to the event that was delayed tonight

Vilu: ok

Leon: and the theme is a black and white party

Vilu: we can get new outfits for the wedding & the event, more shopping!!

Leon: Violetta your a shopaholic

Vilu: your a Chocoholic

Leon: Touche

Jane: (came) here are your pictures and see you in 4-5 weeks and make sure to set up another appointment
( gave Vilu the pictures)

Leon: ok thank you

Jane: your welcome

After we left the room we made another appointment, then we went home to relax till it was time to go shopping with the guys.

So guys this was Chapter 23. I hope you liked it and chapter 24 will come tomorrow and please vote and read my other stories

- Amani

Life as a married couple (sequel to Life After Studio On Beat) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now