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Third Person's POV

The boys were very confused and felt quite awkward looking at the girls on the floor laughing as hard as they possibly can. Until James spoke up quietly "Hey guys". The girls then realized they were there but they didn't stop smiling about the joke Adelaide told.
5 minutes earlier
All the girls were talking about there summers and what they hope to accomplish this year. Elizabeth was the only one who hoped she WOULD get detention this year. "Maybe I can beat last years record of 49 detentions" Lizzie said. "I am still shellshocked you haven't gotten suspended yet" said Alice Fortescue. "So am I but you know I'm amazing" Lizzie said while giving a fake and innocent smile. The girls started giggling. Then Adelaide said " Hey who wants to here a great joke". " Not me" Lizzie replied. " You're gonna hear it any way. Did you hear the one about the guy who fed his cow dynamite?.......... The jury said it was a BOMB-IN-A-BULL". Then everybody just started laughing because it was one of those jokes that it's so corny that it's funny. When everybody was starting to calm down, Lily fell off her seat and onto the floor. That made everyone start laughing again so hard they all fell down on the floor with her and just lay there laughing with each other. This is what what true friendship looks like.
Then the boys walked in. It took awhile to make all the girls calm down and get back in their seats. Sirius then sat next to Elizabeth, Remus sat next to Sirius, Peter sat next to Alice and James of course sat next to Lily. Then they all just talked. Elizabeth and Adelaide talked about the usual. Boys, movies, music,books and other dorky stuff like that. Adelaide was always the comedian in their group. She is the funniest even though most of her jokes are really corny and/or stupid.
After about 20 minutes of talking, laughing, and just fun times Raven walked in from snogging with who knows who. She came in and sat down next to Addie and joined the conversation. Then by the time they finished two sentences, they were at Hogwarts and it was time to leave the train. Since they were six years they got to wait awhile before they got onto the carriages and go to school. They all split up to get their luggage. Lizzie's luggage was sadly stuck and she couldn't pull it out. Then Sirius came over "Do you need help?". Of course Lizzie did not want any help especially from him. " No, I got it " in a sort of sassy manner while she tried to get it out herself. "Okay" he said just as he was about to leave. When Lizzie couldn't get it herself she realized just maybe she needed his help. " Wait, Wait" calling out for Sirius to come back. As he did she said" Okay maybe I could use some help". He just smiled and said " Which one?". Then she pointed her huge black trunk. He then pulled it out like it was nothing. "Here you go" he said handing her the trunk. "Thanks" she said while flashing a smile to be nice then she walked away with her luggage. " Wait" he cried out then she turned around and found him running towards her. "Hello" in a smooth tone trying to be hot and making her just instantly fall into his arms as he got closer. Well that was definitely not going to happen to her. So she pushed him away saying "Noo". Then she walked away as he still stared in her direction.

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