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Third Person PoV

Remus,  Adelaide, and Elizabeth all ran Raven to the infirmary. They burst through the doors, scaring the living day lights out of Madam Pomfrey. "Madam Pomfrey! Madam Pomfrey!" Elizabeth yelled.
"What is it--what happened?" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed. "Lay her here, Mr. Lupin." Remus of course did, and moved away to stand with Adelaide and Elizabeth, out of Madam Pomfrey's way. "What happened to her?" Madam Pomfrey suddenly asked. "She hit her head on the seat of the carriage when it abruptly stopped," Adelaide said.
     "Just a minor whack to the head is all," Madam Pomfrey said after spending a couple of minutes examining her. "No concussion. She's lucky. Ms. Ariel will be up in a couple minutes." And with that, Madam Pomfrey went into her office, and closed the door.
Remus, Adelaide, and Elizabeth visibly sighed in relief, Remus the most relieved. This made the other two girls smirk at their friend. "Remus," Adelaide inquired.
"Do you still fancy her?" Elizabeth finished.
"Course," he mumbled, blushing and looking down. This made the girls giggle quite loudly, until a groan made then all freeze. They all snapped their heads at Raven. "Stop giggling like prissy bitches. It gets very annoying, very fast," Raven grumbled, squinting her eyes at the two girls. "Lupin," she acknowledged.
"Ariel," he mumbled. "So, now that your awake, I'm going to head to the feast" he said awkwardly, and left. That was so stupid! What the bloody hell were you thinking? He thought as he left.
As soon as the door was closed, Raven asked the two girls, who were now sitting on either side of the bed, "Does he still like me?"
"Yup," they replied in unison. Raven then groaned. "Why me!"
"Because your Raven Ariel. Sexy to all boys, hot or dorky," Adelaide said.
"You need to stop talking," Raven threatened.
"Do you still like him?" Elizabeth asked suddenly.
"What would give you that assumption?" Raven mumbled. This made Adelaide and Elizabeth laugh their arses off. "Echo, Adalady, stop. It isn't funny," Raven whined.
"Yes, it is," they whined right back.
"It's actually hilarious," Adelaide said. "That one of two Gryffindor sluts fancies the Gryffindor dork." And Adelaide and Elizabeth burst out laughing again.
Madam Pomfrey then came back in, "Oh, Ms. Ariel, you're awake!" She came over and examined Raven, then said, "Your head looks fine, no scars or marks. Do you have a headache?" Raven then shook her head, and Pomfrey then said, "Then you are free to go," and she walked into her office again, without another word.
     "Freedom!" Raven yelled, as she immediately stood up, stretched, and dragged her friends out of the infirmary. 
     "You've only been awake for a couple of minutes," Adelaide exclaimed.   Raven stuck her tongue out at Adelaide, who did it back at Raven.  Raven then turned and did it to Elizabeth, who did it to Adelaide, and the cycle continued all the way down to the feast.  The three girls then slipped in right as the food appeared, so no one noticed them. 
They all walked towards the Gryffindor table, and snuck into their seats next to the other girls.  "Rav," Lily exclaimed, throwing her arms around Raven's neck.  "You're okay!" 
     "Yeah, I am." 

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