Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I knew a moment ago I was falling. I kept expecting the edge of the sharp rocks scraping against my body. The heavy waves pushing me hard and firm against them. But nothing happened. I didn't feel anything but the hands gripping my waist. I didn't have to look to know who it was.
We reached on the side of the cliff and Max let me down. When I touched the ground I stumbled over a little. He landed hard a few feet away from me. He looked angrily at me. I could feel his irritation boiling over the top. This scared me but pleased me at the same time.
What is wrong with me?
"Why do you pace when your angry? Do all angels do that? Should I start doing it too?" I asked him. He looked at me. His nostrils flaring. "When you do that you remind me of a bull." I said, smiling at the reaction I got from him.
"Just shut up before I do something I don't want to do. How can you be so stupid?" He said irritatingly.
"How can you be so demanding? It's like all the time."
"This is no time for jokes. You could have hurt yourself to the point where you won't be pretty anymore."
"Ohh you think I'm pretty now? Why thank you." He glared at me and all I could do is smile.
I really don't know what's going on with me but I like it.
"Let's just get you home." He said finally giving up.
"I'm not going anywhere with you. Not until you explain to me about everything." I said crossing my arms.
"What is there to say? You're an angel. I'm an angel. The people that were in your room are angels."
"Tell me about my parents."
He looked at me skeptically and said "you aren't ready yet. Not yet. There is much to do. But I will tell you when you are ready."
"You can't judge if I'm ready or not! I have a right to know about my really parents!"
"No you don't. Jumping off a cliff is nothing close to being ready." He said as a matter of fact.
"Stop treating me like a stupid child!"
"Stop acting like a child than!"
"Damn you!" I threw my hands in the air and stalked off.
"You need to get a hold of your powers!" Max yelled from behind me. I turned around and he was on the floor.
"And you need to get some self control!" I walked away muttering words that sailor's ears would fall off.
"You also need to control your temper." He said catching up to me.
"You don't got space to talk." I stopped walking and rolled my eyes. "What do you want? You can just walk away from here and forget about me. You don't have to worry about saving girls who jump off of cliffs. Why don't you just leave?"
"Because I made a promise. Why? Do you want me to leave? Do you not enjoy my company?"
"I hate your company."
"Pity. Sadly you're stuck with me."
"Yeah pity for me." I said sarcastically.
I started walking away, wincing at the pain on my feet. I was too busy arguing with Max I didn't notice till now that my feet were still hurt.
"Why don't you fix yourself?" Max asked.
"Because I'm too lazy and you're standing here. Wait how do I know you aren't one of the bad people?" I looked at him skeptically? I crossed my arms. He rolled his eyes at me and muttered something about "why me...." I sat on the floor and leaned against the bark. I didn't want to go back home. He sat across from me and closed his eyes.
"Are you going to be babysitting me all the time?" I asked ruining the piece and quiet.
He sighed and said, "I knew it wouldn't take you long for you to start blabbing."
"You can always leave." I smiled and he shook his head.
"Not a chance."
I took of my boots and saw the damage I did to my feet. They were bloody and full of cuts. I closed my eyes and I ran my hand over them. I opened my eyes and they were still the same. Max was looking at me.
"Concentrate on what you're trying to do. Or than it won't work." He said, closing his eyes.
I looked back at my feet and shut my eyes. I imagined my feet healing. Every cell in them joining and connecting together. I touched my feet and they started healing. I could fill my skin pulling to heal itself. I opened my eyes and they where healed. Max was smiling.
We sat there for a while and didn't say a thing. I think I ended dozing off because when I opened my eyes the sun was setting and Max was gone. The trees started casting long shadows on the ground. The birds were already headed towards their nests getting ready for the night. I could hear bats waking up from the cave on the cliff.
I stood up and started walking towards home. The moment I heard a snap behind me my suspicions were right. Someone was following me. I kept walking and didn't stop. A shadow passed above me and I pretended to ignore it. There was a thump and I was slammed against a tree. I looked at me prosecutor and kept my face immobile. He had his body pressed against mine. He buried his face in my throat.
"You know if I were your future killer you would be dead by now." Max said in a husky voice.
"And you know that it really freaks me out when freaks like you burry their faces in my neck?" I said pushing him off of me. He didn't budge so I pushed all my weight against him. He didn't budge an inch.
"Get off of me." I said annoyed at him.
"Make me." He said smiling.
"I will."
I shoved my elbow to his side and he blocked it, shoving it back against the tree. The bark rubbed against my clothes. I could fill my skin lifting to where it got scraped.
"You're so used to fighting with your brothers. But I'm not one of your brothers am I?" Max taunted me.
I kicked him in the knee as hard as I could. I could hear a crack. He used one of his hands to reach his knee and rub it. I used the distraction and shoved him off of me. He stumbled backwards. I kicked his side now that I had enough space. He caught my leg and pulled me forward. I fell to the ground and he started dragging me against the ground. The rocks started scraping at my back. I grabbed the closest rock I had near and chunked it at his head. It hit his side not meeting the place I wanted to go. The rock fell on my other leg and I could hear a crack.
Worst idea ever! Damn it that hurt like hell.
I imagined my leg healing and I reached over to grab a stick. I hit him hard on the leg and the stick broke in two. Max stumbled. And I used my now healed leg to kick I'm on his hurt leg.
"Damn it! What's up with you and my leg!" Max said letting go of my foot. I got on my knees and pulled on his legs. I grabbed both sticks that were on the ground and dug them onto is clothes. I staked him to the ground and I got on top of him. I staked is shirt to the ground.
"You're right. You're not my brother. That's why I can kill you and not be ashamed." I stabbed one last stick close to his privates and stood up.
He yanked his arm of the sticks and he yanked me to the ground. I landed on top of him and and pulled my face close to his. He pressed something hard against my neck. He drew blood.
"You're dead."
We looked into each other's eyes and stayed like that. I finally looked away and stood up.
"I want to go home and bathe. I feel nasty." I ran home this time.

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