Niall Horan One Shot:

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A/N: This One Shot is dedicated to @electricradio....... you have been one of my BFF's here on Wattpad. You are always there when i need help with a summary and/or a title. You are definitely the summary queen :P Thanks for being you! I will write a specific one shot for you if you PM me and give me an idea of what you want :D Love you and i hope you like this one......

Mellie's POV

"So, are you excited?" My best friend Elisa asked me.

"More like nervous." I said honestly.

"He is going to be so happy to see you? She smiled as we walked up to the back door of the O2 Arena here in London. I shrugged my shoulders and banged my fists against the metal door. I was hoping that someone was going to answer the door that knew who I was or this wasn't going to be difficult getting inside.

"Mellie?" Paul smiled as he opened the door and saw it was me.

"Hey Pauly." I smiled up at him.

"You're glad I answered the door. Now come in before someone sees you." He said quickly gesturing for us to walk in. Elisa and I nodded and walked inside.

"I thought you were still back home in Australia spending time with your family." Paul said a bit confused as to why I'm standing in front of him right now.

"Well at least that's what Niall told me. Wait are you now keeping your relationship from all of us now?" Paul teased. Niall and I have been dating for a little over a year now and we decided to keep our relationship hidden from the world as long as possible. He didn't want me to get hate and I honestly don't want to deal with the hate from his fans either.

"We wanted to surprise him." Elisa smiled, since I didn't say anything.

"Well I'm glad you're back, because he has been mopey ever since you left a month ago." He smirked. This summer Niall asked me to come with him to the states for the Take Me Home Tour. I spent the first two months traveling with him, but after that I went to Australia for a month to spend time with my family. I wasn't supposed to be back for another week even though Niall is back in London.

"He loves her too much to be away from her for long. This was the longest they have been apart since they started dating." Elisa said. Paul smiled and nodded.

"Let's go surprise him. They have to be on stage in about ten minutes." Paul said. Elisa and I nodded and started following Paul to the lad's dressing room. We passed a lot of crew members running around putting last minute things together for the show.

"5Sos just got off a few minutes ago, so they are re setting the stage." Paul said when he noticed Elisa looked at the people in ahh. She has never been backstage with me before. Mostly because I'm never really backstage, since I have to pretend to be a fan if I'm in the the audience or stay in the tour bus or hotel room, so no one spots me and questions why I'm always around. As the three of us approached the dressing room I started to feel sick. I'm so anxious to see Niall.

"I texted Lou to tell Niall to open the door when someone knocks on the door." Paul smiled brightly at me. He loved when loved ones came to surprise the guys.

"Okay." I said quietly as we approached the door. I hesitated for a second before I lifted my hand up to knock on the door.

"Niall go get the door." I heard Lou yell. I didn't hear him reply, but I heard heavy footsteps getting closer to the door. My heart began to race and my hands started to shake. When I saw the doorknob jiggle I turned and looked at Elisa. She smiled at me and I turned back towards the door right as it began to open.

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