Harry Styles One Shot for STORY_OF_MY_LIFE_HSB :

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A/N: This one shot is for STORY_OF_MY_LIFE_HSB thank you for sending me a PM and asking for a one shot it was fun sitting down and thinking of a story line for you…. I hope you like it :D

"Zoe, babe you really need to relax. Everything is going to be fine." My boyfriend of four months told me, as I run around my bedroom trying to find the perfect outfit.

"I have so much to do in-" I looked at the clock.

"Two hours. I have two hours to find the perfect outfit and hope that the lasagna will be ready then." I said as I rummaged through my closet like a mad man (or woman).

"Exactly, you have two hours before my parents get here so you can relax now." He said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my stomach, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Harry, I need to find the perfect outfit. I need to make sure I look presentable. I don't want them to think I'm a slob, but I don't want to look like a snob either. Ugh this is so stressful," I sighed in frustration. He tightened his grip before he pressed his lips against my neck.

"Relax." He said against my neck. As much as I wanted to melt into his touch I couldn't. I need to shower and get dressed and make sure the lasagna is cooking properly. I'm meeting his mum, stepdad, step brother, and sister Gemma for the first time today. They are coming over to my place for dinner.

Harry came over this morning to help me put together the lasagna and to keep be calm. I've heard and read that Gemma is very protective over Harry as is the rest of his family when it comes to girls he is seeing, and if they don't like said girl he will break up with them within a few weeks. I'm falling for Harry hard I don't want to lose him, so I need to make a good impression on his family.

"Stop. Thinking." Harry said in between kissing my neck and jaw. Usually whenever he kisses me especially my neck I melt into his touch instantly, but I'm so stressed about this dinner that he isn't relaxing me.

"I can't." I voiced honestly. He sighed and moved his hand down my stomach to the waist band of my black yoga pants. My heartbeat started picking up as his fingers slowly creped under my yoga pants and underwear.

"We..... Ummm.. Don't have t-time for thisssss." I hissed as his cold fingers touched my sensitive spot.

"We have two hours baby we have plenty of time." He said as he started moving his fingers in a circular motion. I leaned back into his chest and bit my lip trying to hold back the moan that was creeping up my throat. When he started moving at a faster pace I couldn't hold back the moans any longer.

"H-Harry I... Ummmm." I tried to speak but the pleasure he was giving me was clouding my thoughts.

"You what?" He asked as he now began to kiss my neck again. I couldn't answer him because one of his fingers entered me.


"No need for that language." He cut me off with a soft chuckle. I put my hand on top of his moving hand to stop him.

"Why'd you stop me?" He asked confused.

"I.....need....to..... Shower." I said out of breath. Harry removed his hand from the inside of my pants and spun me around.

"Well then let's go." He grinned before throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed when he slapped my bum. Before I knew it we are both in my shower with the hot water running over our bare bodies. He looked at me with dark lustful eyes when I reached for the shampoo.

"What?" I asked trying to ignore the fire that I felt in a certain area of my body.

"Let me take your stress away." He replied simply. I looked at him a bit confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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