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I'm leaping, running, breathing hard. He's right in front of me, his black coat tailing in his feverish wake. I'm close enough to touch him, but that's not what I want.

I have to get into position.

The rooftops below my feet are slick and glistening with the leftovers of last night's rain, but I have no trouble keeping my footing. I chase the criminal in front of me, step for step, and up ahead I see the building.

That's where I need to take him down.

I'm three buildings away.



I breathe in the autumn air and leap over the gap separating my workplace from the roof I was just on. I land lightly and then propel myself forward on the balls of my feet, catching him in the back.

He slips and falls forward. We roll, and I make sure to come out on top, where I spring up and place my feet on his wrists, my forearm on his neck.

I pull closer to his face and sneer. "Feeling lucky?"

Two weeks ago, when this man claimed his first victim, one of my associates, he had written the exact catchphrase on a wall, in the victims blood. That cruel deed had earned him a sadistic and undeserving nickname- The Lucky Killer.

"Yeah, I'm feeling it," he said. "I've got more tricks up my sleeve than you know."

Not likely, I thought to myself.

I briefly closed my eyes, then opened them a split second later, and began to use my gift in the way I'd taught myself.

I mentally moved a part of me, of my consciousness, and sidled it up next to his. I increased its sensitivities until I began to hear thoughts, but not my own.


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